[Paraview] Default Options in Export Scene

Cory Quammen cory.quammen at kitware.com
Mon Aug 4 13:03:33 EDT 2014

Hi David,

We are currently working on making it possible to set custom default
values throughout ParaView, and will target the Export Scene settings
for the ParaView 4.2 release.

For an idea of what this will look like, please see


On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 3:17 AM, D H <mrhyde at stanford.edu> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have been using File->Export Scene a lot lately to generate EPS/PDF figures.  For all of the figures I've been generating, I've wanted to use the same (non-default, advanced) export settings.  So each time I export a scene, I find myself clicking four or five buttons to get the correct settings, which gets a bit annoying after the tenth or twentieth image.
> Of course, this inconvenience isn't too bad, but it would be very cool if there were a way to change the default settings for Export Scene.  Or at least have PV remember/default to the last export settings I used, across different instances of the program?  I looked and did not find a way to do this already - if this is already a feature and I'm just missing something, I would be grateful for anybody to point out the obvious thing I'm missing.  Otherwise, maybe it would be possible to have this considered as a feature request for the next PV release?
> Thanks very much!
> David
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