[Paraview] Apache Front-end not working: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused
Sebastien Jourdain
sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com
Tue Apr 22 22:59:40 EDT 2014
Yes that is my plan, but I don't know when I'll get a chance to do it.
(couple of weeks)
For now you may look here: https://bitbucket.org/terafrac/pvconfs/wiki/Home
On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 8:06 PM, kai liu <liuwukai at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi Sebastien,
> Great. Thank you in advance. Are you going to post the new doc on this
> page http://www.paraview.org/ParaView3/Doc/Nightly/www/js-doc/ once you
> have it ready? Do you know when you might have it ready by any chance?
> Thank you!
> Kai
> On Saturday, April 19, 2014 4:04 PM, Sebastien Jourdain <
> sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com> wrote:
> I don't know the exact match for ubuntu Package, but I should be able to
> right some new doc with the latest 14 LTS ubuntu.
> Seb
> On Sat, Apr 19, 2014 at 12:11 AM, kai liu <liuwukai at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi Sebastien,
> I think ParaViewWeb finally work on my local machine. It seems that I
> should not close my terminal after I run java -jar
> JettySessionManager-Server-1.1.jar pw-config.properties & in the
> background. If I close the terminal, the http://localhost/apps/Visualizer does
> not work anymore. Is there anyway to solve this?
> I have apache 2.2 (From Lampstack, in etc/apache2 directory) and apache
> 2.4.9 (For ParaViewWeb, in /opt/apache2.4.9 directory). Is it possible
> for me to run ParaViewWeb on apache 2.2? If not, Is it possible to update
> apache 2.2 to apache 2.4.9 perhaps? I have searched through online, but I
> could not find anything helpful.
> I am almost ready to deploy ParaViewWeb to an Amazon EC2 Instance, and the
> server uses Ubuntu. On "How to set up an Amazon EC2 AMI instance to run
> ParaViewWeb<http://www.paraview.org/ParaView3/Doc/Nightly/www/js-doc/index.html#!/guide/paraviewweb_on_aws_ec2>"
> I believe some commands are based on RedHat Linux system.
> $ sudo yum install patch.x86_64
> $ sudo yum install pcre-devel.x86_64
> $ sudo yum install mesa-libGLU.x86_64
> $ sudo yum install xorg*$ sudo nvidia-config
> Do you know what are the Ubuntu commands for these packages? I tried sudo
> apt-get install XXXXX for all of these, but they don't seem to work.
> Thank you!
> Kai
> On Friday, April 18, 2014 10:58 AM, Sebastien Jourdain <
> sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com> wrote:
> Hi Kai,
> both apache and jetty are a web server, and you can only have one process
> using the port 80.
> So if you want apache to be the web server, you need jetty to pick
> something else than port 80 (and it can be anything).
> The only thing is that apache need to be aware on which port jetty is
> running so it could forward all the launch request to jetty which is in the
> config that you wrote for apache with port 8080...
> Seb
> On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 11:00 PM, kai liu <liuwukai at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi Sebastien,
> I changed pw-config.properties file's pw.web.port=80 since I want to use
> Apache as front-end. I fixed pw.factory.session.url.generator.pattern=ws://viz.local/proxy?sessionId=SESSION_ID.
> When I run java -jar JettySessionManager-Server-1.1.jar
> pw-config.properties, I got the following errors:
> ==== Starting ParaViewWeb multi-user front-end ====
> Configuration: /home/kai/Desktop/ParaViewWeb/pw-config.properties
> WebContent: /var/www/pvweb-deploy/www
> Port: 80
> ===================================================
> 2014-04-18 00:35:33.281:INFO:oejs.Server:jetty-8.y.z-SNAPSHOT
> 2014-04-18 00:35:33.435:WARN:oejuc.AbstractLifeCycle:FAILED
> SelectChannelConnector at <http://SelectChannelConnector@>:
> java.net.SocketException: Permission denied
> java.net.SocketException: Permission denied
> at sun.nio.ch.Net.bind0(Native Method)
> at sun.nio.ch.Net.bind(Net.java:444)
> at sun.nio.ch.Net.bind(Net.java:436)
> at
> sun.nio.ch.ServerSocketChannelImpl.bind(ServerSocketChannelImpl.java:214)
> If I set pw-config.properties file's pw.web.port=8080, the result for
> opt/apache-2.4.7/pv-mapping-file/mapping.txt:
> {"f6ac78f2-4c2c-4da2-ae33-a0b514a5ea1e":{"host":"localhost","port":9100}}
> and home/pvweb/ParaView/launcher/logs has the following output
> /home/kai/Desktop/ParaViewWeb/build/lib/site-packages/zope/__init__.py:3:
> UserWarning: Module twisted was already imported from
> /home/kai/Desktop/ParaViewWeb/build/lib/site-packages/twisted/__init__.pyc,
> but
> /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Twisted-13.1.0-py2.7-linux-i686.egg
> is being added to sys.path
> import pkg_resources
> I believe Jetty can write/create. When you said run as
> http://localhost/apps/Visualizer, shouldn't it be
> http://localhost:8080/apps/Visualizer <http://localhost/apps/Visualizer> if
> I have pw.web.port=8080. http://localhost/apps/Visualizer give me page
> cannot found.
> I am so sorry if I misinterpret anything. Thank you for your patient !
> Kai
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On Thursday, April 17, 2014 1:11 AM, Sebastien Jourdain <
> sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com> wrote:
> First of all, if you are using apache as a front-end, you should connect
> on port 80 not 9000. Otherwise, that means that you are using Jetty as your
> web server not apache.
> Moreover, you've asked Jetty to tell the client to connect to "viz.local"
> which is supposed to be the exact same URL that you are starting with and
> not http://localhost:9000/xxxx.
> On top of that, can Jetty write/create that
> file? /opt/apache-2.4.7/pv-mapping-file/mapping.txt
> And can apache read it?
> What you should try for your local test:
> 1) Fix the pw-config.properties
> pw.factory.session.url.generator.pattern=ws://viz.local/proxy?sessionId=SESSION_ID
> ==> pw.factory.session.url.generator.pattern=ws://localhost/proxy?sessionId=SESSION_ID
> (I'm assuming the rest of the path are OK and ParaView works on that
> machine.
> 2) Connect with firefox and firebug open to
> http://localhost/apps/Visualizer
> 3) Check what is happening in the console,
> /opt/apache-2.4.7/pv-mapping-file/mapping.txt file and the content of the
> directory /home/pvweb/ParaView/launcher/logs
> Seb
> On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 9:54 PM, kai liu <liuwukai at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I complied offscreen OSMesa ParaViewWeb, but I do not know how to use
> Apache as front-end. I have followed both "How to use Apache as Frotn-end<http://www.paraview.org/ParaView3/Doc/Nightly/www/js-doc/index.html#!/guide/apache_setup>"
> and "How to set up an Amazon EC2 AMI instance to run ParaViewWeb<http://www.paraview.org/ParaView3/Doc/Nightly/www/js-doc/index.html#!/guide/paraviewweb_on_aws_ec2>"
> guides, but I could not get it to work.
> I run the command "java -jar JettySessionManager-Server-1.1.jar
> pw-config.properties", and then I input the link
> http://localhost:9000/apps/Visualizer<http://localhost:9000/apps/Visualizer,> on
> the browser. I always got the following error:
> 2014-04-16 23:45:23.355:INFO:oejs.Server:jetty-8.y.z-SNAPSHOT
> 2014-04-16 23:45:23.487:INFO:oejs.AbstractConnector:Started
> SelectChannelConnector at
> Apr 16, 2014 11:45:37 PM
> com.kitware.paraviewweb.websocket.WebSocketForwarder onOpen INFO: null
> java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.net.ConnectException:
> Connection refused
> at
> org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.WebSocketClient$WebSocketFuture.get(WebSocketClient.java:569)
> at
> org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.WebSocketClient$WebSocketFuture.get(WebSocketClient.java:372)
> at
> com.kitware.paraviewweb.websocket.WebSocketForwarder.onOpen(WebSocketForwarder.java:54)
> ..........................
> ..........................
> I feel I did not missed any steps while following the "How to set up
> an Amazon EC2 AMI instance to run ParaViewWeb<http://www.paraview.org/ParaView3/Doc/Nightly/www/js-doc/index.html#!/guide/paraviewweb_on_aws_ec2>"
> guide, but I always get the above error when I run it. I use apache-2.4.9
> since I could not find apache-2.4.7 online. I attached pw-config.properties.
> I run everything on Localhost first because I do not want to screw up my
> Amazon EC2 instance.
> Is it okay to put ServerName instead of my instance DNS name
> since I am running on localhost? Thank you!
> <VirtualHost *:80>
> ServerName ec2-XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX.compute-1.amazonaws.com <http://ec2-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx.compute-1.amazonaws.com/>
> ServerAdmin webmaster at example-host.example.com
> DocumentRoot "/var/www/pvweb-deploy/www"
> ErrorLog "logs/pv-error_log"
> CustomLog "logs/pv-access_log" common
> ProxyPass /paraview http://localhost:9000/paraview
> # Turn on the rewrite engine
> RewriteEngine On
> # This is the path the mapping file Jetty creates
> RewriteMap session-to-port txt:/opt/apache-2.4.7/pv-mapping-file/mapping.txt
> # This is the rewrite condition. Look for anything with a sessionId= in the query part of the URL and capture the value to use below.
> RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^sessionId=(.*)$ [NC]
> # This does the rewrite using the mapping file and the sessionId
> RewriteRule ^/proxy.*$ ws://${session-to-port:%1}/ws [P]
> <Directory "/var/www/pvweb-deploy/www">
> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
> Order allow,deny
> Allow from all
> AllowOverride None
> Require all granted
> </Directory>
> </VirtualHost>
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