[Paraview] Paraview Programmable Source 3D Text

Willi Karel wk at ipf.tuwien.ac.at
Wed Sep 25 06:11:06 EDT 2013

I'd like to insert various text strings programmatically into the scene
at various 3D locations in world coordinates. To me, (Python)
"Programmable Source" seems to be the appropriate tool for that purpose
(which I successfully use to insert geometries into the scene). Is that
possible using "Programmable Source"? Otherwise, is there any other
method to do so?

I am aware of Sources -> 3D Text,
but that means a lot of manual, repetitive work.

Many thanks!
                        _____ _____ _____  Technische Universität Wien
   DI Wilfried Karel   /____// ___//    / Dept. of Geodesy & Geoinform.
  wilfried.karel@     // __ / /__ / // / Research Groups Photogrammetry
 geo.tuwien.ac.at    //__/// /__ / // /   & Remote Sensing
+43 1 58801 12244   /____//____//____/ Gusshausstr. 27-29, A-1040 Wien

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