[Paraview] Points Movements - Kilometrical extension x metrical movement

Moreland, Kenneth kmorel at sandia.gov
Mon Sep 23 11:20:32 EDT 2013

It looks like the elevation in your data has a strange bias (at least, strange in terms of spherical coordinates). I am guessing that the elevation in your data is with respect to sea level whereas the expression I gave you assumed elevation was with respect to the center of the sphere.

I think you can correct the problem by adding back a bias to the elevation in the calculator expression I gave you. Change the coordsZ at the beginning to (coordsZ+10) or (coordsZ+100). So in review, try this equation:

(coordsZ+100)*(cos(0.01745*coordsX)*cos(0.01745*coordsY)*iHat + sin(0.01745*coordsX)*cos(0.01745*coordsY)*jHat + sin(0.01745*coordsY)*kHat)

Assuming I'm right about the sea-level bias, you could bias it by the radius of the earth, but that would probably just look like a flat surface.


From: Léo Pessanha <leonardopessanha74 at gmail.com<mailto:leonardopessanha74 at gmail.com>>
Date: Friday, September 20, 2013 2:14 PM
To: Kenneth Moreland <kmorel at sandia.gov<mailto:kmorel at sandia.gov>>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [Paraview] Points Movements - Kilometrical extension x metrical movement

-3.0000000e+001 -5.0000000e+001 0.032
-3.0000000e+001 -4.9833333e+001 0.04399998
-3.0000000e+001 -4.9666667e+001 0.05200004
-3.0000000e+001 -4.9500000e+001 0.07
-3.0000000e+001 -4.9333333e+001 0.088999964
-3.0000000e+001 -4.9166667e+001 0.104000024
-3.0000000e+001 -4.9000000e+001 0.115
-3.0000000e+001 -4.8833333e+001 0.12999998
-3.0000000e+001 -4.8666667e+001 0.14600003
-3.0000000e+001 -4.8500000e+001 0.176
-3.0000000e+001 -4.8333333e+001 0.21499991
-3.0000000e+001 -4.8166667e+001 0.2980002
-3.0000000e+001 -4.8000000e+001 0.391
-3.0000000e+001 -4.7833333e+001 0.5499994
-3.0000000e+001 -4.7666667e+001 0.83700097
-3.0000000e+001 -4.7500000e+001 1.363
-3.0000000e+001 -4.7333333e+001 1.5769997
-3.0000000e+001 -4.7166667e+001 1.7970009
-3.0000000e+001 -4.7000000e+001 2.058
-3.0000000e+001 -4.6833333e+001 2.2529998
-3.0000000e+001 -4.6666667e+001 2.411
-3.0000000e+001 -4.6500000e+001 2.438
-3.0000000e+001 -4.6333333e+001 2.4969997
-3.0000000e+001 -4.6166667e+001 2.6660006
-3.0000000e+001 -4.6000000e+001 2.918
-3.0000000e+001 -4.5833333e+001 3.2079992

grid.jpg - what i have
untitled - what i get with the calculator

2013/9/20 Moreland, Kenneth <kmorel at sandia.gov<mailto:kmorel at sandia.gov>>
It would be helpful if I could get a sample of your data. Otherwise, it might help if I could see an image of what happened.


From: Léo Pessanha <leonardopessanha74 at gmail.com<mailto:leonardopessanha74 at gmail.com>>
Date: Friday, September 20, 2013 1:35 PM

To: Kenneth Moreland <kmorel at sandia.gov<mailto:kmorel at sandia.gov>>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [Paraview] Points Movements - Kilometrical extension x metrical movement

I`m sorry, i did the conversion, and i get a really weird object

2013/9/20 Léo Pessanha <leonardopessanha74 at gmail.com<mailto:leonardopessanha74 at gmail.com>>
Only the elevation it`s not in degrees. Thanks for your help!

2013/9/19 Moreland, Kenneth <kmorel at sandia.gov<mailto:kmorel at sandia.gov>>

I don't think there is any filter to automatically convert between spherical and Cartesian (although perhaps there should be). I usually just use the calculator filter. Turn on the Coordinate Results option (it is advanced) and use the following expression:

coordsZ*(cos(0.01745*coordsX)*cos(0.01745*coordsY)*iHat + sin(0.01745*coordsX)*cos(0.01745*coordsY)*jHat + sin(0.01745*coordsY)*kHat)

If your coordinates are lon,lat,elevation and in degrees, then this should give you the right result.


From: Léo Pessanha <leonardopessanha74 at gmail.com<mailto:leonardopessanha74 at gmail.com>>
Date: Thursday, September 19, 2013 3:15 PM

To: Kenneth Moreland <kmorel at sandia.gov<mailto:kmorel at sandia.gov>>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [Paraview] Points Movements - Kilometrical extension x metrical movement

So, i`ve been trying this days, and it`s really difficult...

Do you know, or have a link for a thread about the conversion Cartesian to Spherical coordinates

Maybe it will work, or give at least a poor curvature, that is better than none

2013/9/17 Moreland, Kenneth <kmorel at sandia.gov<mailto:kmorel at sandia.gov>>
In that case, just divide z by something less than 1000.

By arbitrary calculation, I meant you can type in whatever math expression you want to compute the x,y,z location.


From: Léo Pessanha <leonardopessanha74 at gmail.com<mailto:leonardopessanha74 at gmail.com>>
Date: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 11:36 AM

To: Kenneth Moreland <kmorel at sandia.gov<mailto:kmorel at sandia.gov>>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [Paraview] Points Movements - Kilometrical extension x metrical movement

I am using the degrees without any type of conversion, and dividing z by 1000

so it's like

-50º -16º 2700(data that i have) ---> -50;-16;2.7;(data that i create with a routine in java to take out the º and put the ; and divide z by 1000) ----> table to points ------>  then i have

x    y   z
-50 -16 2.7
... ... ...
... ... ...

7000 points like that create the shore, exactly the way i wanted

I did not have to do spherical lat-lon, to cartesian x-y, it worked without that step

"you can use the calculator filter to apply an arbitrary calculation of the point positions. Turn on the advanced properties and enable the Coordinate Results option."

what do you mean with arbitrary calculation of the points?

2013/9/17 Moreland, Kenneth <kmorel at sandia.gov<mailto:kmorel at sandia.gov>>
How are you converting from spherical lat-lon-elevation to Cartesian x-y-z? I would look to see if you could scale and bias the elevation during that conversion.

If all else fails, you can use the calculator filter to apply an arbitrary calculation of the point positions. Turn on the advanced properties and enable the Coordinate Results option.


From: Léo Pessanha <leonardopessanha74 at gmail.com<mailto:leonardopessanha74 at gmail.com>>
Date: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 10:16 AM

To: Kenneth Moreland <kmorel at sandia.gov<mailto:kmorel at sandia.gov>>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [Paraview] Points Movements - Kilometrical extension x metrical movement

You do understand my problem.

How do i stretch the geometry radially? With a small quantity of data?

Thanks for your help!

2013/9/16 Moreland, Kenneth <kmorel at sandia.gov<mailto:kmorel at sandia.gov>>
(Posting this back to the mailing list. I didn't realize we left it.)

Once again assuming I understand your problem (and I'm not sure I totally do), you have a large surface area of land that is much much larger than any change in surface elevation. Thus, you cannot see the change in depth and everything looks like it is a plane (or slightly curved surface depending on how you transform it).

This is a pretty common problem in visualizing ocean, atmosphere, and similar geographical topics. The distance from the deepest ocean trenches to the peak of the tallest mountains is tiny compared to the area of the surface. To see anything of interest, you will probably have to stretch the geometry radially.


From: Léo Pessanha <leonardopessanha74 at gmail.com<mailto:leonardopessanha74 at gmail.com>>
Date: Monday, September 16, 2013 3:48 PM

To: Kenneth Moreland <kmorel at sandia.gov<mailto:kmorel at sandia.gov>>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [Paraview] Points Movements - Kilometrical extension x metrical movement

 I guess the physical [x,y,z] coordinates of the shore geometry should be interpreted as [latitude (degrees), longitude (degrees), elevation (kilometers)]. I suppose the trajectory positions would be stored as [latitude (degrees), longitude (degrees), elevation (meters)]. If that is the case, just do a transform with scale values of [1,1,1000].

THAT'S 100% CORRECT. I already did that 1,1,1000 when i transform the data from .dat to .txt

It`s everything in the place where it should be.

The thing now, is that the shore extension go to -30 to -16 degrees ( a lot of kilometers, i heard that 1 degree its like 110 km)

The trajectories while under the earth level have a side dislocation too small compared to the extension of the shore, because of that i can only see a line going up, not moving right/left.

I think the paraview precision is causing it so i dont think(maybe i can, but dont know how, thats why i am asking) i can do too much with paraview

but in the other hand, i can do something with the data, so it will at least give me an idea of an curvature

in one of my tries i rescale all the data by 1000, ^2, but i just get the same thing with diferent numbers

i am ploting points over time(lot of  ****1.csv, ****2.csv,.....)

2013/9/16 Moreland, Kenneth <kmorel at sandia.gov<mailto:kmorel at sandia.gov>>
I guess I don't really understand your problem. Latitude and longitude are of course in degrees or some other angular measurement, not meters or kilometers. Presumably the latitude and longitude have the same units for the shore and the trajectories or you would have said something about that.

So I'm going to start guessing to fill in the details. I guess the physical [x,y,z] coordinates of the shore geometry should be interpreted as [latitude (degrees), longitude (degrees), elevation (kilometers)]. I suppose the trajectory positions would be stored as [latitude (degrees), longitude (degrees), elevation (meters)]. If that is the case, just do a transform with scale values of [1,1,1000].

Or maybe there is more to it than that. You mentioned something about dislocations. Perhaps you mean displacements, but displacements of what? Or maybe the trajectories/displacements are in Cartesian coordinates instead of lat-lon spherical coordinates. In that case, you must be doing something to convert between the two, which I would think rescaling from meters to kilometers could happen then.

Anyway, without more information I don't think I can help.


From: Léo Pessanha <leonardopessanha74 at gmail.com<mailto:leonardopessanha74 at gmail.com>>
Date: Monday, September 16, 2013 2:30 PM
To: Kenneth Moreland <kmorel at sandia.gov<mailto:kmorel at sandia.gov>>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [Paraview] Points Movements - Kilometrical extension x metrical movement

It`s not that simple

The position is given by Latitude(x) and Longitude(y)
If i just scale the values, i have to do in both fields, and then i just get the same representation with bigger values
I think it will only be possible to see something that look like a curvature if  i do something mathematicly with the distance between consecutive points, but i dont know waht to do

2013/9/16 Moreland, Kenneth <kmorel at sandia.gov<mailto:kmorel at sandia.gov>>
You can use the calculator filter to scale the values in a field. You can also use the transform filter to scale the physical positions.


From: Léo Pessanha <leonardopessanha74 at gmail.com<mailto:leonardopessanha74 at gmail.com>>
Date: Monday, September 16, 2013 1:13 PM
To: "paraview at paraview.org<mailto:paraview at paraview.org>" <paraview at paraview.org<mailto:paraview at paraview.org>>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [Paraview] Points Movements - Kilometrical extension x metrical movement


I have  a represented bathymetry of  a shore, and inside of it there's fluid trajectories.

The problem is, the bathymetry have a extension of kilometers and the trajectories side deslocations happens in meters, so its like a straight up line, i cant see the curvatures

Can someone give a tip of how can i interpolate the data so i can see curvatures, or a way to rescale my lateral axis or something like that, like the precision of the data or the precision of paraview

Leonardo Pessanha
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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