[Paraview] getting started with ParaViewWeb

Oliver Gloth ogloth at engits.com
Tue Sep 17 12:00:47 EDT 2013


I tried to test ParaViewWeb by following this simple tutorial:

Unfortunately I receive a "404 - No Such Resource" error. If I start the
server without the "--content www" flag, I can connect and get another
window opens which shows the little axis widget of ParaView; other than
that I cannot do anything.

Am I missing something?

I have used the latest ParaView binary on a 64bit openSUSE 12.2 system.

Best regards,

Dr.-Ing. Oliver Gloth (managing partner)
phone: +49 (0)7671-992-511-0, fax: -2, mobile +49 (0)173-317-3698

fingerprint 9C42 F4B4 E411 1DE0 A490 30F4 9CE8 3570 38F2 0B92
public key http://engits.eu/gnupg/ogloth.asc

enGits GmbH, http://engits.eu, Todtnau, AG Freiburg HRB 700491
Geschaeftsfuehrer/managing partners: Valerie Gloth & Dr. Oliver Gloth
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