[Paraview] Statically linking catalyst to fortran simulation code on Titan

David E DeMarle dave.demarle at kitware.com
Fri Sep 13 16:08:01 EDT 2013

Great news on getting it to compile and link!

Pretty sure that the statically built python and paraview python modules
need to be accessible from the compute nodes as well.
I would have expected something worse to show up in the log but definately
try this first.

What I do is put $cross/install/lib (python itself) and
$cross/paraview/src/paraview-build/lib/site-packages (paraview's python
modules) somewhere on lustre (like next to where I put
$cross/parview/src/paraview-build/bin), and set PYTHONHOME and PYTHONPATH
in my pbs script to point to the python and the modules respectively.
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