[Paraview] Statically linking catalyst to fortran simulation code on Titan

Hong Yi hongyi at renci.org
Thu Sep 12 16:57:43 EDT 2013

I am able to successfully build our Fortran simulation code as well as Catalyst Fortran example code linked to catalyst (built with superbuild), but the resulting executable is not static, but have some dependencies on shared libraries such as libmpichf90_gnu_47.so.1, limxpmem.so.1, etc., which seems to be resulting from "find_package(MPI)" in CMakeLists.txt that somehow find shared mpi libraries to link to. This dependencies prevents the executables from running on Titan compute nodes. Since paraview superbuild cross target can generate pvserver as well as other executables statically without any dependencies on other shared libraries, I have been trying to study paraview superbuild trying to build Catalyst in-situ Fortran example code also statically without any dependencies, but have not been able to succeed. I guess one way to do it is to manually specify all those MPI static libraries in CMake, however, I have not been able to succeed due to so many dependencies of those MPI libraries. Could anyone advise on how to achieve static linking to MPI libraries automatically by CMake via find_package(MPI)?

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