[Paraview] Bug Report

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Wed Sep 11 10:34:10 EDT 2013

Thanks! We'll take a look. I've reported a bug:


On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 9:24 AM, Adam Dershowitz
<adershowitz at exponent.com> wrote:
> The attached is a simple case that does the job for me.  It tries to open
> a vtk file, but that file doesn't exist (I changed the path, on my
> machine, but have not even sent it to you).
> The specific steps are, I open paraview, select Load State, and select the
> attached file.  It then brings up a dialog that says Fix Paths in State
> File, and shows LegacyVTKFileReader.  If I click OK, it brings up an
> output message with an Error that says Could not Open File (with other
> details, but it doesn't stay long) And then it does a hard crash.
> Here is the detailed report after the crash:
> Process:         paraview [8661]
> Path:            /Applications/paraview.app/Contents/MacOS/paraview
> Identifier:      ???
> Version:         ??? (???)
> Code Type:       X86-64 (Native)
> Parent Process:  launchd [452]
> User ID:         1224806835
> Date/Time:       2013-09-11 09:21:10.565 -0400
> OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.8.4 (12E55)
> Report Version:  10
> Interval Since Last Report:          16623 sec
> Crashes Since Last Report:           2
> Per-App Interval Since Last Report:  16459 sec
> Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   2
> Anonymous UUID:                      1D77F421-0BFD-3CEA-3669-D9C3391C1488
> Crashed Thread:  0  Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
> Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
> Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000000
> VM Regions Near 0:
> -->
>     __TEXT                 0000000100000000-00000001004f4000 [ 5072K]
> r-x/rwx SM=COW  /Applications/paraview.app/Contents/MacOS/paraview
> Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
> 0   libvtkCommonDataModel-pv4.0.1.dylib 0x0000000107a8593d
> vtkDataSet::GetBounds(double*) + 13
> 1   libvtkRenderingCore-pv4.0.1.dylib   0x0000000106d2a7c8
> vtkPainterPolyDataMapper::ComputeBounds() + 40
> 2   libvtkRenderingCore-pv4.0.1.dylib   0x0000000106ce2880
> vtkCompositePolyDataMapper2::ComputeBounds() + 144
> 3   libvtkRenderingCore-pv4.0.1.dylib   0x0000000106d2cfb8
> vtkPolyDataMapper::GetBounds() + 216
> 4   libvtkPVVTKExtensionsRendering-pv4.0.1.dylib        0x000000010532447d
> vtkPVLODActor::GetBounds() + 77
> 5   libvtkRenderingCore-pv4.0.1.dylib   0x0000000106ceb5c2
> vtkFrustumCoverageCuller::Cull(vtkRenderer*, vtkProp**, int&, int&) + 434
> 6   libvtkRenderingCore-pv4.0.1.dylib   0x0000000106d41936
> vtkRenderer::AllocateTime() + 230
> 7   libvtkRenderingCore-pv4.0.1.dylib   0x0000000106d415a3
> vtkRenderer::Render() + 611
> 8   libvtkRenderingCore-pv4.0.1.dylib   0x0000000106d40a12
> vtkRendererCollection::Render() + 114
> 9   libvtkRenderingCore-pv4.0.1.dylib   0x0000000106d49198
> vtkRenderWindow::DoStereoRender() + 136
> 10  libvtkRenderingCore-pv4.0.1.dylib   0x0000000106d490e9
> vtkRenderWindow::DoFDRender() + 953
> 11  libvtkRenderingCore-pv4.0.1.dylib   0x0000000106d48d04
> vtkRenderWindow::DoAARender() + 1124
> 12  libvtkRenderingCore-pv4.0.1.dylib   0x0000000106d48538
> vtkRenderWindow::Render() + 328
> 13  libvtkPVClientServerCoreRendering-pv4.0.1.dylib     0x00000001051275a2
> vtkPVRenderView::Render(bool, bool) + 898
> 14  libvtkPVClientServerCoreRendering-pv4.0.1.dylib     0x00000001051271ad
> vtkPVRenderView::StillRender() + 77
> 15  libvtkPVServerManagerApplication-pv4.0.1.dylib      0x00000001038685ce
> vtkPVRenderViewCommand(vtkClientServerInterpreter*, vtkObjectBase*, char
> const*, vtkClientServerStream const&, vtkClientServerStream&) + 1646
> 16  libvtkClientServer-pv4.0.1.dylib    0x000000010567f750
> vtkClientServerInterpreter::ProcessCommandInvoke(vtkClientServerStream
> const&, int) + 240
> 17  libvtkClientServer-pv4.0.1.dylib    0x000000010567ec61
> vtkClientServerInterpreter::ProcessOneMessage(vtkClientServerStream
> const&, int) + 177
> 18  libvtkClientServer-pv4.0.1.dylib    0x000000010567eb92
> vtkClientServerInterpreter::ProcessStream(vtkClientServerStream const&) +
> 66
> 19  libvtkPVServerImplementationCore-pv4.0.1.dylib      0x0000000104f53534
> vtkPVSessionCore::ExecuteStreamInternal(vtkClientServerStream const&,
> bool) + 260
> 20  libvtkPVServerImplementationCore-pv4.0.1.dylib      0x0000000104f53313
> vtkPVSessionCore::ExecuteStream(unsigned int, vtkClientServerStream
> const&, bool) + 259
> 21  libvtkPVServerImplementationCore-pv4.0.1.dylib      0x0000000104f5090a
> vtkPVSessionBase::ExecuteStream(unsigned int, vtkClientServerStream
> const&, bool) + 58
> 22  libvtkPVServerManagerRendering-pv4.0.1.dylib        0x0000000104d752fe
> vtkSMViewProxy::StillRender() + 174
> 23  libvtkGUISupportQt-pv4.0.1.dylib    0x0000000106ae567a
> QVTKWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*) + 106
> 24  QtGui                               0x0000000107fc11d3
> QWidget::event(QEvent*) + 1389
> 25  libvtkGUISupportQt-pv4.0.1.dylib    0x0000000106ae5504
> QVTKWidget::event(QEvent*) + 212
> 26  QtGui                               0x0000000107f72708
> QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*) + 304
> 27  QtGui                               0x0000000107f72986
> QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) + 600
> 28  QtCore                              0x0000000108d88662
> QCoreApplication::notifyInternal(QObject*, QEvent*) + 104
> 29  QtGui                               0x0000000107fc4701
> QWidgetPrivate::drawWidget(QPaintDevice*, QRegion const&, QPoint const&,
> int, QPainter*, QWidgetBackingStore*) + 2055
> 30  QtGui                               0x0000000107f1dc48 -[QCocoaView
> drawRect:] + 3048
> 31  com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff894ed064 -[NSView
> _drawRect:clip:] + 4217
> 32  com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff894eb6c1 -[NSView
> _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:] + 1656
> 33  com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff894ebad9 -[NSView
> _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:] + 2704
> 34  com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff894ebad9 -[NSView
> _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:] + 2704
> 35  com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff894ebad9 -[NSView
> _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:] + 2704
> 36  com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff894ebad9 -[NSView
> _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:] + 2704
> 37  com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff894ebad9 -[NSView
> _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:] + 2704
> 38  com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff894ebad9 -[NSView
> _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:] + 2704
> 39  com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff894e96f2 -[NSView
> _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRec
> tForView:topView:] + 817
> 40  com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff894eaa44 -[NSView
> _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRec
> tForView:topView:] + 5763
> 41  com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff894eaa44 -[NSView
> _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRec
> tForView:topView:] + 5763
> 42  com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff894e9143 -[NSThemeFrame
> _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRec
> tForView:topView:] + 314
> 43  com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff894e4d6d -[NSView
> _displayRectIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:] + 4675
> 44  com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff894aec93 -[NSView
> displayIfNeeded] + 1830
> 45  com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff894ae1cc
> _handleWindowNeedsDisplayOrLayoutOrUpdateConstraints + 738
> 46  com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff89a79901 __83-[NSWindow
> _postWindowNeedsDisplayOrLayoutOrUpdateConstraintsUnlessPostingDisabled]_bl
> ock_invoke_01208 + 46
> 47  com.apple.CoreFoundation            0x00007fff88c8e417
> 48  com.apple.CoreFoundation            0x00007fff88c8e381
> __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 369
> 49  com.apple.CoreFoundation            0x00007fff88c697b8 __CFRunLoopRun + 728
> 50  com.apple.CoreFoundation            0x00007fff88c690e2 CFRunLoopRunSpecific
> + 290
> 51  com.apple.HIToolbox                 0x00007fff87c86eb4
> RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 209
> 52  com.apple.HIToolbox                 0x00007fff87c86b94
> ReceiveNextEventCommon + 166
> 53  com.apple.HIToolbox                 0x00007fff87c86ae3
> BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 62
> 54  com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff894ab533 _DPSNextEvent + 685
> 55  com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff894aadf2 -[NSApplication
> nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 128
> 56  QtGui                               0x0000000107f2de3d
> QEventDispatcherMac::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>)
> + 1349
> 57  QtCore                              0x0000000108d88f5c
> QCoreApplication::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 78
> 58  libQtTesting.dylib                  0x0000000100ee77a1
> pqEventDispatcher::processEventsAndWait(int) + 49
> 59  libvtkpqCore-pv4.0.1.dylib          0x0000000100beaed4
> pqApplicationCore::onStateLoaded(vtkPVXMLElement*, vtkSMProxyLocator*) + 36
> 60  libvtkpqCore-pv4.0.1.dylib          0x0000000100c80b14
> pqApplicationCore::qt_static_metacall(QObject*, QMetaObject::Call, int,
> void**) + 484
> 61  QtCore                              0x0000000108d9de61
> QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, QMetaObject const*, int, void**) + 2001
> 62  libvtkpqCore-pv4.0.1.dylib          0x0000000100c8b1ec
> pqServerManagerObserver::stateLoaded(vtkPVXMLElement*, vtkSMProxyLocator*)
> + 76
> 63  libvtkpqCore-pv4.0.1.dylib          0x0000000100c8aeef
> pqServerManagerObserver::qt_static_metacall(QObject*, QMetaObject::Call,
> int, void**) + 1007
> 64  QtCore                              0x0000000108d9de61
> QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, QMetaObject const*, int, void**) + 2001
> 65  libvtkGUISupportQt-pv4.0.1.dylib    0x0000000106af2a7f
> vtkQtConnection::EmitExecute(vtkObject*, unsigned long, void*, void*,
> vtkCommand*) + 111
> 66  libvtkGUISupportQt-pv4.0.1.dylib    0x0000000106ae23eb
> vtkQtConnection::Execute(vtkObject*, unsigned long, void*) + 251
> 67  libvtkCommonCore-pv4.0.1.dylib      0x0000000109193be1
> vtkCallbackCommand::Execute(vtkObject*, unsigned long, void*) + 33
> 68  libvtkCommonCore-pv4.0.1.dylib      0x0000000109203160
> vtkSubjectHelper::InvokeEvent(unsigned long, void*, vtkObject*) + 1152
> 69  libvtkPVServerManagerCore-pv4.0.1.dylib     0x0000000104e3d432
> vtkSMSessionProxyManager::LoadXMLState(vtkPVXMLElement*,
> vtkSMStateLoader*, bool) + 194
> 70  libvtkpqCore-pv4.0.1.dylib          0x0000000100beabd6
> pqApplicationCore::loadState(vtkPVXMLElement*, pqServer*) + 550
> 71  libvtkpqApplicationComponents-pv4.0.1.dylib 0x000000010053fc58
> pqLoadStateReaction::loadState(QString const&) + 184
> 72  libvtkpqApplicationComponents-pv4.0.1.dylib 0x0000000100540002
> pqLoadStateReaction::loadState() + 626
> 73  QtCore                              0x0000000108d9de61
> QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, QMetaObject const*, int, void**) + 2001
> 74  QtGui                               0x0000000107f6e652
> QAction::activate(QAction::ActionEvent) + 194
> 75  QtGui                               0x0000000107f239a7 -[QCocoaMenuLoader
> qtDispatcherToQAction:] + 71
> 76  com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff8959b959 -[NSApplication
> sendAction:to:from:] + 342
> 77  com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff896d136c -[NSMenuItem
> _corePerformAction] + 406
> 78  com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff896d105a -[NSCarbonMenuImpl
> performActionWithHighlightingForItemAtIndex:] + 133
> 79  com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff893be20f -[NSMenu
> _internalPerformActionForItemAtIndex:] + 36
> 80  com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff893be097 -[NSCarbonMenuImpl
> _carbonCommandProcessEvent:handlerCallRef:] + 135
> 81  com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff896ca165
> NSSLMMenuEventHandler + 342
> 82  com.apple.HIToolbox                 0x00007fff87c5fd1a
> DispatchEventToHandlers(EventTargetRec*, OpaqueEventRef*, HandlerCallRec*)
> + 1206
> 83  com.apple.HIToolbox                 0x00007fff87c5f1e9
> SendEventToEventTargetInternal(OpaqueEventRef*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*,
> HandlerCallRec*) + 410
> 84  com.apple.HIToolbox                 0x00007fff87c74fc9
> SendEventToEventTarget + 40
> 85  com.apple.HIToolbox                 0x00007fff87cabca9
> SendHICommandEvent(unsigned int, HICommand const*, unsigned int, unsigned
> int, unsigned char, void const*, OpaqueEventTargetRef*,
> OpaqueEventTargetRef*, OpaqueEventRef**) + 443
> 86  com.apple.HIToolbox                 0x00007fff87c50a21
> SendMenuCommandWithContextAndModifiers + 59
> 87  com.apple.HIToolbox                 0x00007fff87c509d3
> SendMenuItemSelectedEvent + 254
> 88  com.apple.HIToolbox                 0x00007fff87c5085f
> FinishMenuSelection(SelectionData*, MenuResult*, MenuResult*) + 94
> 89  com.apple.HIToolbox                 0x00007fff87c2c8bb
> MenuSelectCore(MenuData*, Point, double, unsigned int, OpaqueMenuRef**,
> unsigned short*) + 605
> 90  com.apple.HIToolbox                 0x00007fff87c2bec8
> _HandleMenuSelection2 + 565
> 91  com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff895898c6
> _NSHandleCarbonMenuEvent + 245
> 92  com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff894aba9f _DPSNextEvent + 2073
> 93  com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff894aadf2 -[NSApplication
> nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 128
> 94  com.apple.AppKit                    0x00007fff894a21a3 -[NSApplication run]
> + 517
> 95  QtGui                               0x0000000107f2dc40
> QEventDispatcherMac::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>)
> + 840
> 96  QtCore                              0x0000000108d85a88
> QEventLoop::exec(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 394
> 97  QtCore                              0x0000000108d88db3
> QCoreApplication::exec() + 175
> 98                                      0x000000010002aa88 main + 360
> 99                                      0x000000010002a8f4 start + 52
> -- Adam
> On 9/11/13 9:10 AM, "Utkarsh Ayachit" <utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com> wrote:
>>Can you attach/post the state file to reproduce this issue?
>>On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 5:20 PM, Adam Dershowitz
>><adershowitz at exponent.com> wrote:
>>> I am using paraview 4.0.1 and found a bug.  I am not sure if this is the
>>> best location to report it, but figured I would try it here.  I hope
>>>that it
>>> can help someone else avoid this problem, and perhaps can get it fixed.
>>> I am running on a Mac OS 10.8.4.  I had an existing pvsm state file.
>>> every time I tried to open it, I would get an error about a file not
>>> and then paraview would crash.  At first I thought that this was a major
>>> bug.  I finally figured out that a file path to one of the input files
>>> changed, and that is what was causing the problem.
>>> But, the fact that paraview will crash in that case is still a bug.  If
>>> paraview can't find a file in a state file, it should just report the
>>> rather then causing a fatal crash.
>>> -- Adam
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