[Paraview] error to use XDMF+Paraview+HDF5+Python

long zhao comlong at gmail.com
Thu Oct 10 16:13:05 EDT 2013

Dear all
I am trying to use XDMF+ Paraview+ HDF5 + Python on ubuntu 13.04. But I got
2 errors.
1. Using cmake to make XDMF error.
If I set the
Then I get this error when I make it. No idea how to fix it.
*XdmfH5Driver.cxx:186:1: error: braces around scalar initializer for type
‘herr_t (*)(H5FD_t*, unsigned char*, hbool_t) {aka int (*)(H5FD_t*,
unsigned char*, unsigned int)}’*
2. If I do not change any parameter of CMakeCache and make it , it is OK.
By the tutorial, I should copy the "*libsrc/Xdmf.py*" to "*/usr/lib/python2.
*7". Then I test some code from Paraview Python Shell. I always get this
*Traceback (most recent call last):*
*  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>*
*  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/Xdmf.py", line 19, in <module>*
*    _Xdmf = swig_import_helper()*
*  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/Xdmf.py", line 17, in swig_import_helper*
*    if fp is not None: fp.close()*
*UnboundLocalError: local variable 'fp' referenced before assignment*
Someone could help me how to fix it?
Thanks a lot
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