[Paraview] Line Chart View

Ian Krukow i.krukow at tu-braunschweig.de
Tue Oct 8 02:26:33 EDT 2013

Ok, I could have found that. Thank you!

Am 07.10.2013 16:42, schrieb Utkarsh Ayachit:
> If you look at the "Properties Panel", you can change the appearance
> of each of the plotted series by selecting it the "Line Series" list
> box and then changing the "Line Style" and "Marker Style". Set the
> "Line Style" to "None" and "Marker Style" to "Cross" for example.
> On Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 7:31 AM, Ian Krukow <i.krukow at tu-braunschweig.de> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a question concerning the Line Chart View. I did an unsteady
>> aerodynamic simulation on a 2D airfoil, and I want to display the pressure
>> (or cp) distribution over the airfoil. I use the Plot Data filter, and I get
>> a result as shown in the attached image. The problem is, that the grid
>> points are not ordered in a way that a continuous line connection makes
>> sense. Is there a way to plot only data points without line connection? I
>> could not find it.
>> And are there ways to reorder the grid points in ParaView without using a
>> programmable filter (e.g. according to ascending x-coordinate)?
>> Kind regards
>> Ian
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