[Paraview] NEK5000 with ParaView

Matteo Righi mteo.righi at gmail.com
Wed Oct 2 11:44:58 EDT 2013

Dear all,
I'm trying to use ParaView 3.98 in order to visualize the results of a
Nek5000 simulation.
Starting from the output files .fld, I first create the metatada file
When I open this file in Paraview 3.98 all the .fld files are loaded, but
the problem is that I can see only the first of these files, while the
others are not visualized. In practice, looking at the time box in the
information box, the first file has index 0 and a value different from 0,
while the other files have an index different from 0 (1,2,3,...) and the
corresponding value equal to 0. So, when I press the start button, I can
see only the first file and the simulation doesn't start.
Can anyone explain me the procedure to solve this problem?
Thanks a lot.

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