[Paraview] copy-paste (or ,> clone/dublicate)

Samuel Key samuelkey at bresnan.net
Mon Nov 18 13:20:42 EST 2013


Given that you have 20+/- datum sets (and one geometry?), you might be 
able to construct a pseudo time sequence by labeling the files:

myjob001.vtu, myjob002.vtu, myjob003.vtu, ...

(Note. The file-ending "*.vtu" refers to an XML-formatted datum set)

ParaView will assume they are a time-sequence and you can use the 
animation to perform the identical display processing on each image, 
When you are satisfied with the results, save the animation as *.pgn 
images; you will get one frame in each datum set.

If you already have a naming convention for the *.vtu files that you 
want to keep, then you can use a *.pvd meta-file to specify the 
pseudo-time sequence, see the attached *.pvd file as an example. (The 
part-tag allows sub-datum-sets; in my case there are different 
materials. The name-tag is currently a do-nothing; it is not required.)


On 11/18/2013 9:22 AM, Martina Schäfer wrote:
> Hi Sam,
> I wasn't aware of the "Group Dataset" Filter, you are right in the 
> case of Cliping or Sliceing it's doing sort of the job (eventhough I 
> haven't managed to get the translation right), but already for the 
> Isolines or PlotOnIntersectionCurve it gets difficult. (And I have 
> actually not only one datafile, but around 20 which I would like to 
> produce the same figures from and grouping them all together gets a 
> mess!)
> Similar to your idea I tried it now with AppendAttributes, that still 
> leaves the work of copy-ing by hand (at least I do not know how to do 
> that otherwise) the variables them I'm interested from each dataset to 
> another name, i.e. velocity -> velocity-dataset1, velocity -> 
> velocity-dataset2 and so on beforehand, but then I can use Clips or 
> Slices in one figure for each of the datasets. But since I then have 
> different variable names, it does again not work for the 
> Isocontours... PlotOnIntersectionCurves however seems to be doing ok.
> It also would mean to apply AppendAttributes to around 20files, I'm 
> not quite sure if that's a good way to go.
> I'd be happy about any other ideas! What is the "copy" function 
> supposed to do anyhow? After all this menu-item exists when I do 
> right-mouse-click on a filter?
> Martina
>> Martina, Regarding your question, I do
>> not do this routinely, but it looks to me that if you hold down the
>> Ctrl-key and select two datum two sets and then apply the Group Datasets
>> filter you get a single combined datum stream to which can apply the
>> same filter to both using a single common parameter specification. In a
>> single view, this may require a coordinate translation of one datum set
>> with respect to the other in order that they are not overlaid (use the
>> Transform filter on one of the datum sets before grouping). In addition,
>> it is likely that the point and cell variable sets for both objects need
>> to be the same (except for the values). Likely some care will be needed
>> for the Slice and Clip filters because you will only have a "single"
>> object after grouping. Hope this helps. Sam On 11/18/2013 1:39 AM,
>>> >Hi all,
>>> >
>>> >I'd like to copy-paste (or clone/dublicate) a filter in paraview, i.e.
>>> >applying exactly the same filter on two different sources without
>>> >having to redefine the filter. For the moment I'm doing that via
>>> >save-state/load-state and adjusting each time the input file (or via
>>> >"change input" to a filter), but it would be more convenient to be
>>> >able to have the results of the filter applied to the different
>>> >sources at the same time to compare them side by side.
>>> >That concerns for example the "clip" or "slice" filter where it would
>>> >be really handy not having to copy by hand the definition of the plane
>>> >used; or when doing a plot with isolines I'd like to have the same
>>> >line "elevations" and drawing options for various input datasets.
>>> >
>>> >According to the various websites and also messages in this mailing
>>> >list, "copy" and "paste" from the menu "edit" or with the
>>> >mouse-left-click should work. However, when I do "paste" nothing 
>>> happens.
>>> >Has anybody experience with that? Is there any other way to do it? Or
>>> >is there any "trick" how to do use the "paste function?
>>> >
>>> >Thanks a lot!
>>> >
>>> >Martina Sch?fer
>>> >

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