[Paraview] animation problem with different view points

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Wed May 29 17:27:06 EDT 2013

There are ways to do this, but it can be trick. Easiest would be to
save out 3 separate animations as *.png and then combine them into a
single movie using ffmpeg or other image-to-movie tools.


On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 1:51 PM, Zhijun Zhang <zjzhang at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear all:
>       I have an animation problem to be solved.  It is like this:
> I have a vtk mesh sequence to show an deformable mesh in ten vtk file.
> It shows the deformation in one motion cycle.
> I can load the ten file and display the deformation and make an
> animation of the motion
>  at a fixed view point.
> However I want to know how to make an animation of the motion seeing
> from different view points
> (eg. 3 view points).  Here is what I am trying to record:
> in viewpoint1,
> the 10 mesh files show the deformation in one cycle
> in viewpoint2,
> the 10 mesh files show the deformation in one cycle
> in viewpoint3,
> the 10 mesh files show the deformation in on cycle.
> I have tried with the current time control method in the animation view.
> however, I have not find a solution for this.  The camera will
> automatically interpolation
> in each motion cycle, instead of fixing at a view point.
> Thank you very much for any idea on this problem.
> regards,
> Alex
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