[Paraview] Fetching selection from SpreadSheet

Stephan Rogge Stephan.Rogge at tu-cottbus.de
Tue May 21 06:44:25 EDT 2013


I use the SpreadSheetView to visualize a vtkTable. Now I want to fetch the
data of the row which is currently selected.
Right now I can connect to a selection event but have no idea to obtain the
slected data row.

pqSpreadSheetView *ssv = qobject_cast<pqSpreadSheetView*>(view);
QWidget *widget = ssv->getWidget();
     ssv->getViewModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged(const QItemSelection&)), 
      this, SLOT(spreadSheetSelectionChanged(const QItemSelection&)));

When my slot is called, QItemSelection is empty.


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