[Paraview] Time series of files with different dimensions

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at kitware.com
Fri Mar 29 18:57:37 EDT 2013

Hi Jiri,

Unfortunately, this particular feature is not currently supported in
ParaView. There are various reasons behind this and it is too complex to
explain here. You can get around this however. You can create a multi-block
dataset (a vtm file) that points to the rectilinear grid. Too see what this
looks like, apply Group Dataset filter to your data and save it out as a
vtm file. This should generate a vtm file and a vtr (or vti if this is
uniform rectilinear grid) file. You can file more information about the vtr
format here:



On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 5:01 PM, Jiri Vyskocil <svzj at centrum.cz> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a series of ASCII VTK files with 3D uniform rectilinear grid
> data. Each file has different dimensions - one cooridnate (x) grows in
> time. Let's say the first file is 4x9x9, next is 5x9x9 ... up to
> 100x9x9. When I load the files separately, they display correctly, but
> if i load them as a time series together (from the file chooser, grouped
> by timestep number). They are all rendered only as big as the first file
> (4x9x9).
> If i step through time, the "Bounds" and "Extents" on the Information
> tab show correct values - the x coordinate is growing. But in the
> rendering window will only show a 4x9x9 box for all files. I use a 3D
> view with slice representation, but even the Outline stays small.
> Today, I accidentaly managed to open one of the series, while still
> having another file open, and suddenly it displayed correctly - the
> dimensionsof the rendered graph were the actual dimensions as displayed
> in the information tab, so it should be possible to do this - but I have
> no idea, how I did it.
> Is there some option to make ParaView update the dimensions for each
> file in the series?
> I'm using ParaView 3.98.1, Linux, 64-bit. I attache some sample files,
> in case it would help.
> Thanks,
> Jiri Vyskocil
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