[Paraview] Live data source for co-processing in Paraview version 3.14.1

Hong Yi hongyi at renci.org
Thu Mar 21 11:45:59 EDT 2013


I built Paraview server version 3.14.1 on a HPC cluster with all co-processing-related flags turned on including enabling co-processing, all adaptors, and plugins, etc., and built Paraview client/server with no MPI on a local linux machine with co-processing enabled as well. Then I connect the Paraview client running on my local linux machine to the Paraview server running on the HPC cluster to visualize a phasta-generated mesh data on the HPC cluster. All works except that I don't find "Live data source" from paraview "Source" menu. I have not really tried coprocessing library yet, but it is in my next to-do list. In the meanwhile, I'd like to get some advice from this list regarding this missing "Live data source" from Paraview client GUI in case I missed something or did not do something correctly.

On a related question, from http://catalyst.paraview.org/ I don't see specific information on whether the coprocessing library in earlier version such as 3.14.1 is an earlier version of this catalyst. It appears to me this catalyst library only works for version 3.98 and can be built into paraview 3.98 by generating catalyst source tree and building it into paraview. For earlier paraview version 3.14.1, I cannot leverage this latest catalyst source since it only works with version 3.98, is this correct?

Thanks for any information and explanation. I am trying to get myself up to speed on in-situ visualization for large scale simulation, so any related information on in-situ visualization is very much appreciated!

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