[Paraview] animating multiple vtp files

Magician f_magician at mac.com
Tue Mar 19 22:18:53 EDT 2013

Hi Jelle,

There are 3 problems to be solved:

1) Combine .pvd files as a transient dataset
2) Generate ParticlePaths
3) Animate ParticlePaths

1) is a FAQ:

...and 3) too:

But I don't have a good idea about 2).
Of course ParaView have ParticlePath filter,
but that couldn't work with my datasets.
So I always convert particle data into pathlines and read them.


On 2013/03/19, at 5:10, paraview-request at paraview.org wrote:

> Message: 2
> Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 21:04:18 +0100
> From: "Jelle Thys" <thysjelle1105 at hotmail.com>
> Subject: [Paraview] animating multiple vtp files
> To: <paraview at paraview.org>
> Message-ID: <DUB102-ds313E186D1F59987B2C50EB6E80 at phx.gbl>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>           Diavoorstelling afspelen<http://g.msn.com/5meen_us/171?path=/photomail/{c89b4387-3747-436d-9a34-c8e85c3de8af}&image=8F34A7DF1DB8D256!344&imagehi=8F34A7DF1DB8D256!342&CID=-8127686850778705322>   Alle foto's opslaan  Wil je deze foto's allemaal tegelijk opslaan? Hoe doe je dat <http://help.live.com/help.aspx?mkt=nl-nl&project=WL_Mailv3&querytype=keyword&query=segami_lla_evas> 
>     Foto's zijn 30 dagen online beschikbaar.  
> Hello
> The software package I used to simulatie particle behaviour has the option to create .VTP files,
> which I could use to visualize the particle paths in Paraview. 
> (There is an attached image that shows the created files)
> I'm able to visualize my fluid domain in Paraview but I don't understand how I can visualize and animate the particle paths.
> I will be glad if someone can help me to animatie the particle paths. 
> Kind regards
>      <http://public.bay.livefilestore.com/y1pO9Mo38QVlB-kQceLBhN_xkedxTnHwfl4V9tGKeg-_d9ZO2ENkM37q7E1G6__MJC2/Knipsel.jpg?download> 

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