[Paraview] VES at GTC 2013

Aashish Chaudhary aashish.chaudhary at kitware.com
Mon Mar 18 09:33:47 EDT 2013


This year we got accepted to present VES at the GTC conference. Dr. David
Thompson from Kitware will be presenting VES on Wednesday the 20th at 9:00
AM in Marriott Ballroom 3 (Details below).
See you there!


GTC 2013: http://www.gputechconf.com/page/home.html

S3402 - Mobile Visualization with VES

 David Thompson ( R & D Engineer, Kitware Inc. )

 Recent improvements in hardware and operating systems have enabled
feature-rich games and interactive visualizations on the mobile platform.
However, the lack of sustainable, general, and cross-platform frameworks
prevents programmers and application developers from taking full advantage
of these many recent advances. The proposed presentation begins with
requirements for a good framework for mobile visualization and what
motivated us to create a new framework, followed by in-depth introduction
to VES and Kiwi architecture, followed by a description of important
implementation details. The presentation includes a live demonstration of a
steaming XBox Kinect generated and Point Cloud Library (PCL) processed
point clouds to a mobile device. The presentation also describes how VES
and Kiwi interfaces with some of other open source, scientific computing
toolkits such as VTK, ParaViewWeb, and PCL; guidance towards developing
real time visualization application on mobile devices; and approaches to
addressing the challenge of developing on different operating systems such
as Android and iOS. Since open source is an important aspect of VES and
Kiwi framework, this talk also describes open source tools to access,
manage, build, and test VES/Kiwi-based software in a comprehensive software
development process.

*Session Level: *Intermediate
*Session Type: *Talk
*Tags: *Mobile Summit; Real-Time Graphics Applications; Scientific

| Aashish Chaudhary
| R&D Engineer
| Kitware Inc.
| www.kitware.com
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