[Paraview] FIND DATA deosn´t give back any results.

Hedieh Ebrahimi hedieh.ebrahimi at amphos21.com
Wed Jul 24 03:44:33 EDT 2013

Hi Utkarsh,

I created the wavelet, it was already point data, so I didn´t need to apply
the "cell data to point data" filter. and then I looked for RTDATA>100 and
it works and gives back results.

On my dataset though things are different.

1. If i look for cells , looking for cells with certain ID i get results.
2. if i look for cells, looking for cells with certain values or values
higher or lower than a certain value , i don´t get any results.

3. If I select Query is and then type for example  *(temperature > 100)
*    *
then although just 5 cells in 100 million should be selected ( Threshold
filters shows these 5 cells correctly and although analyzing my dataset
using direct python script gives back just 5 cells, but using the queries
such as *(temperature > 100)  *will select all cells which is wrong.

Is there anyway to fix this? as this is very useful when you want to take a
first look at your dataset after a simulation.

Thanks in Advance
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