[Paraview] FIND DATA deosn´t give back any results.

Hedieh Ebrahimi hedieh.ebrahimi at amphos21.com
Mon Jul 22 09:45:06 EDT 2013

Hello all,

I am trying to use FIND DATA to find cells in my dataset with values higher
than a specific value.

The problem is if I use threshold I can see the cells in my dataset that
have values higher than my search field, but when I use FindDATA  on my
dataset , my run query doesn´t bring back any cells, though it should as
these cells exist and are shown using the threshold.

Could any body please tell me why Find DATA is not working on my dataset.

I really need to use FIND DATA  to see cells with values higher than a
specific value to analyze my data and find these cells and currently I
can´t as the FIND DATA deosn´t give back any results.

I would appreciate any help on what I could be doing wrong and how to fix

Thanks in Advance
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