[Paraview] Slice origin as annotation in animation

Pia Jensen bozack at bozack.dk
Sat Jul 20 10:19:58 EDT 2013

Hello everyone

I'm quite new to ParaView, and ran into some trouble today: I am making an
animation where I vary the origin of a slice through my gaussian cube data,
to get a feel of the volume. As an overlay to this, I am trying to make an
annotation with the X-coordinate of the slice origin (changing for each
frame in the animation), to show the viewer a bit more information.

I have tried using the Python Annotation Filter with the slice as source,
but I simply cannot figure out how to get to the slice origin value. My
first guess was something like

  "Slice origin in X = %f" % (XSlicesOrigin[0])

but this does not work at all. Can anyone tell me how to get to the slice
origin coordinates?


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