[Paraview] Integration of a 3d space onto a plane?

Andy Bauer andy.bauer at kitware.com
Tue Jul 16 16:23:44 EDT 2013

Hi Alan,

I was working on a filter that was similar to this. If I remember correctly
it could handle both vtkRectilinearGrids and vtkImageDatas (it definitely
couldn't handle vtkStructuredGrids, vtkPolyDatas or vtkUnstructuredGrids).
It also worked in parallel (or was supposed to). I never quite put the
finishing touches on it but if this is a high priority I can revisit it or
share it and let someone else push it forward.


On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 3:58 PM, Scott, W Alan <wascott at sandia.gov> wrote:

>  I have a user that has a 3d object, with variables in this 3d space.
> For instance, a cube, with a variable (say temperature) at a high in the
> center of the sphere, and a low at the corners.  This user wants to look
> down one axis (say the X axis), and sum or integrate all of the variables
> from the 3d space onto the 2d plane the cube is sitting on.  This will
> produce a 2d surface with the max in the center, and min at the corners.
> Is this possible in ParaView?  It sounds like a fairly high priority task.
> Thanks,
> Alan
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