[Paraview] querying or sorting Normal numerical values (from filter Generate Surface Normals)

Jack Zoken jmz43fw at gmail.com
Fri Jan 25 02:00:56 EST 2013


I am using the filter "Generate Surface Normals".  I am viewing the Normals
on the mesh in both 3D and spreadsheet format.   I would like to sort and
select the values in the Normals column (which are actually 3 values
separated by a space delimiter, X Normal, Y Normal and Z Normal).  For
example,  I would like to select the X Normals with X > 0.95 but it appears
impossible to do this (either with the 'Find Data' tool or manipulating the
spreadsheet).  Does anyone have any idea about how to accomplish this?

It appears the filter is not making these Normal numerical values
accessible for querying or sorting.

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