[Paraview] Exporting to vrml with python in 3.98 or 3.14.1

Raphael Münster raphael.muenster at math.uni-dortmund.de
Thu Jan 17 13:50:30 EST 2013


I am trying to export data to vrml with a Python script in 3.98 and 
3.14.1, but no vrml output is produced.
Using the GUI I get the vrml output... The python trace does not show 
the code to export to vrml sadly...
I use the following code:

 >>> from paraview.simple import *
 >>> testdata_vtk = LegacyVTKReader( 
FileNames=['/pathtodata/testdata.vtk'] )
 >>> RenderView = GetRenderView()
 >>> DataRepresentation = Show()
 >>> exporters = servermanager.createModule("exporters")
 >>> vrml = exporters.VRMLExporter()
 >>> vrml.FileName="/exportpath/testdata.vrml"
 >>> vrml.Write()

As I said the file /exportpath/testdata.vrml is not produced... Any 
ideas how to get this working?


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