[Paraview] How to Glyph my own Triangle Normal Calculations

Michael Jackson mike.jackson at bluequartz.net
Wed Jan 9 09:47:53 EST 2013

I have some code that I am working on where I am calculating normals for triangles. I am trying to verify the calculation by visualizing the data in ParaView. I am writing a "Legacy" vtk file of type POLYDATA. I have a section in the CELL_DATA that starts out:

NORMALS SurfaceMeshTriangleNormals double

When I load the data in ParaView I "see" that there is Cell Data called SurfaceMeshTriangleNormals that has 3 components. When I select the "Glyph" filter the SurfaceMeshTriangleNormals do not show up in any of the drop down combo boxes. If I use the "Normal Glyphs" filter isn't ParaView calculating its own normals? I don't want that.

I also tried replacing the "NORMALS" with "VECTORS" but that did not help.

This is with ParaView 3.14.1 (Custom Built) on OS X 10.6.8.

Thanks in advance for any help or pointers on what I am doing wrong.
Mike Jackson                    Principal Software Engineer
BlueQuartz Software                            Dayton, Ohio
mike.jackson at bluequartz.net              www.bluequartz.net

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