[Paraview] vtk mesh display: no volume elements

Karl König kkoenig11 at web.de
Wed Feb 27 05:35:57 EST 2013


Your file defines points and cells, a geometry and a topology, but no
data associated with neither points nor cells. Volume rendering requires
at least a scalar data set associated with points or cells. You may want
to provide such a data set by first applying the MeshQuality filter (or
the Calculator filter).


Zenker, Dr. Matthias wrote, On 27.02.2013 10:55:
> Hi,
> I want to inspect a mesh generated with gmsh. To this end, I have saved
> the mesh in vtk format and opened it with ParaView. The problem is that
> I don’t see any volume element (or their nodes) in the display, no
> matter what mode (Points, Wireframe, …) I choose. If I try “Volume”, I
> get the message: “Cannot volume render since no point (or cell) data
> available.”
> I have attached a small example. As far as I see with a text editor,
> there **are** tetrahedra (elements with 4 nodes) in the file. So why
> doesn’t ParaView show them?
> I use ParaView 3.89.0-RC3 (32 bit) under Windows XP.
> Thank you for a helpful hint…
> Matthias
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