[Paraview] Limiting scope of Plot selection over time filter to subset of database

Ravi Tumkur ravi.tumkur at gmail.com
Mon Feb 18 14:47:02 EST 2013

Dear Paraview Users/Developers,

I am using ParaView v 3.14.0 64 -bit. I use paraview to visualize and
post-process a sequence of vtks containing pressure and velocity field
computed by finite-element solver.

The task for which  I am seeking help to accomplish is to probe a location
and plot a variable over time. I understand that this can be done by
combined use "Prob Location"  and "Plot Selection Over Time" filters. My
questions are as follows:

1. Is there a way by which I can limit the output of "Plot Selection Over
Time" to a subset of the total time. Say, if I have 1000 vtks, I wand to
probe a location and see what is the variation of variables from vtks 400
to 600 (while having all the 1000 vtks loaded in the database). This might
be a standard option, but unfortunately I am not able to locate it in the
documentation or mailing list. Please guide me to appropriate email thread
or location  in  documentation, if its already been documented somewhere.

2. Is there a way I can probe more than one location simultaneously and use
"Plot Selection Over Time" to extract data as time series from multiple
locations at once.

Any suggestions to resolve this issue will be of great help. Thanks in
advance for your time.

Ravi Kumar T R

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
ph : +1 217 778 7538
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