[Paraview] Python Script: "Rescale to Data Range"

Kisler Roman.Kisler at tnt.tu-berlin.de
Fri Feb 8 06:35:32 EST 2013

Hi everyone,

I write a python script (Paraview 3.14.1 64-bit) in which a loop loads files, 
makes slices etc., prints an image and deletes all variables within each 
iteration step. Therefore I need a python code which rescales the colorbar in 
each step.

So far I found this code in another mailing conversation (see 
the command 


doesn't work in my script and delivers the following error message:

" AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'GetDataInformation' "

and refers to the line written above (range=...).

I would appreciate any help, be it a more detailed explanation of the script 
which can be found in the link posted above or another possibility of 
implementing it.

Kindest regards,

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