[Paraview] Oggtheora message while configuring ParaView

David E DeMarle dave.demarle at kitware.com
Thu Aug 29 13:53:55 EDT 2013

On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 10:23 AM, Bill Sherman <shermanw at iu.edu> wrote:

> Hey David,
> Okay, so after getting sidetracked a few days, I'm back to working on
> ParaView on our Cray.
> First question: is there a preferred build environment?
Yes GNU is the preferred environment.

We don't have pgi, cray, or intel compilers submitting to the VTK and
ParaView dashboards, so the GNU toolchain is your best bet (we have an AIX
build, so xlc on bluegene's is usually pretty easy). ParaView _can_ be
compiled with the other compilers, and between Pat Marion and I'm sure
we've done them all at some point, but it is usually more of a headache and
takes longer to get a working ParaView build up because compilation
problems creep in and go undetected for long periods of time.

Note, it doesn't matter what compiler you use to build CMake. If the system
CMake is too old, I just compile it myself using gcc on the login node and
put that in my path before the system one. Note also that you can force
CMake to choose a particular compiler by setting your CC and CXX
environment variables before your first configure. From that time on, that
particular build will always use the same one.
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