[Paraview] Putting a background for Legend

Hedieh Ebrahimi hedieh.ebrahimi at amphos21.com
Fri Aug 23 05:59:20 EDT 2013


Is there anyway to have a background for your legend. I usually have a
zoomIn of the screen and usually the legend mixes with the image (which is
what I want) and the numbers don´t distinguish very clearly. I know I can
change the color of the numbers in legend or just save legend separately
and put it on top of the screenshot I get from ParaView in another editor ,
but I was wondering if there is an easy way to save time and have a
background for your legend in ParaView, so that it wouldn´t mix with the
with the background even though you put it on top of a background with the
same color.

Is there anyway to do that?

Thanks in Advance
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