[Paraview] Oggtheora message while configuring ParaView

Bill Sherman shermanw at indiana.edu
Tue Aug 13 16:58:51 EDT 2013

Hello Utkarsh, et al.,

> Can you attach your CMakeCache.txt, if it was generated?

Yes, attached.

> Thanks
> Utkarsh


> On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 6:44 PM, Bill Sherman<shermanw at indiana.edu>  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm working to configure (and then compile) ParaView on a new Cray HPC
>> system running a Cray version of Suse Enterprise Linux 11.
>> I am currently stuck with a series of errors that seem to be related
>> to "vtkoggtheora".  I'm happy to include that feature in ParaView if
>> I can get it to compile, but I'm just as happy to exclude it if that's
>> all that's getting in my way to getting ParaView compiled.
>> So two issues:
>> 1) how to get rid of the errors?
>> 2) how to disable inclusion of vtkoggtheora if I can't get rid of the
>> errors (I don't see a flag in the advanced list that obviously does this).
>> Here are the errors that I'm getting from the ccmake "configure" step:
>> ---------
>>   CMake Error at VTK/ThirdParty/oggtheora/vtkoggtheora/CMakeLists.txt:27
>>   (MESSAGE):
>>     No 16 bit type found
>>   CMake Error at VTK/ThirdParty/oggtheora/vtkoggtheora/CMakeLists.txt:39
>>   (MESSAGE):
>>     No 32 bit type found
>>   CMake Error at VTK/ThirdParty/oggtheora/vtkoggtheora/CMakeLists.txt:51
>>   (MESSAGE):
>>     No unsigned 32 bit type found
>>   CMake Error at VTK/ThirdParty/oggtheora/vtkoggtheora/CMakeLists.txt:63
>>   (MESSAGE):
>>     No unsigned 16 bit type found
>>   CMake Error at VTK/ThirdParty/oggtheora/vtkoggtheora/CMakeLists.txt:75
>>   (MESSAGE):
>>     No 64 bit type found
>>   CMake Warning (dev) at
>> /N/soft/cle4/cmake/cray/
>>   ke:215 (message):
>>     No FortranCInterface mangling known for coprocessorinitialize
>> ----------
>>          Thank you,
>>          Bill
>> --
>> Bill Sherman
>> Sr. Technology Advisor
>> Advanced Visualization Lab
>> Pervasive Technology Inst
>> Indiana University
>> shermanw at indiana.edu
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