[Paraview] NRRD space dimensions probem with Paraview

Greer, Cody cody.greer at wustl.edu
Mon Aug 12 18:16:42 EDT 2013

Dear Paraview community,

I am trying to use Paraview to render a volume composed of several slices acquired with a microscope.  Due to our method of data acquisition, the slices do not line up exactly.  They are skewed at a certain angle.  So the image stack is shaped like a parallelepiped rather than the conventional cuboid shape.  The nrrd file format seems like a good candidate to allow us to render these skewed volumes since nrrd allows one to relate data space with physical/global space by setting the "space directions" property in the nrrd header file (see below).

I have written the nrrd header file as below, but I cannot get Paraview to render the stack correctly.  It just renders the stacks in a cuboid shape as if I never even set the "space directions" property.  Have I written the header file incorrectly, or am I forgetting something?  Or maybe paraview cannot make use of this metadata?  I have double checked my geometry, and I believe that the space directions vectors are correct.

type: uint16
data file: stack_2560_2160_200_uint16.raw
dimension: 3
sizes: 2560 2160 200
spacings:  .325 .325 5
space directions: (.325,0,0) (0,.2815,.1625) (0,-4.3301,2.5)
thicknesses: nan nan 5
encoding: raw
endian: little

Thanks for your help,
Cody Greer
Washington University in St. Louis
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