[Paraview] Initialize coprocessor fails

Andy Bauer andy.bauer at kitware.com
Tue Apr 30 22:28:17 EDT 2013

Hi Lucas,

Every process should call coprocessorinitializewithpython(). I'm not sure
how to solve this but first off maybe trying the Fortran 90 example at
https://github.com/acbauer/CatalystExampleCode may help simplify the
problem. What machine are you trying this on and what version of ParaView
are you using?


On Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 4:25 PM, Pettey . Lucas <LPettey at drc.com> wrote:

> Hello!
> I have a Fortran serial test case working that uses the Catalyst
> coprocessor to generate images.
> I tried moving to a parallel test case, but the program crashes with the
> error:
> ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Attempt to redefine an existing data type in file
> runtime/orte_globals.c at line 218
> at the call to initialize the coprocessor:
> call coprocessorinitializewithpython("coproc.py",9)
> Does this call change in parallel, or should only one processor be calling
> it?
> If I comment out the line of code that calls the coprocessor
> initialization, then the code runs fine, I just get the error that the
> co-processor needs to initialize every time there is a VTK coprocessor call.
> Thanks for any help,
> Lucas
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