[Paraview] (no subject)

Jane Hickmott jane.hickmott at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 29 06:23:25 EDT 2013

Hi, I'm trying to build paraviewweb using superbuild on my new computer (fedora 15) but get compile errors pasted below.  I guess the issue is that git:// should actually be http:// but for the life of me cannot figure out where to set this for 'make' to find.  Every time I alter .git/config or .gitmodules to replace git: with http:, it gets overwritten by make and generates the compile error.  Any help/pointer will be much appreciated.  Thanks.

Submodule 'ThirdParty/protobuf/vtkprotobuf' (git://public.kitware.com/protobuf.git) registered for path 'ThirdParty/protobuf/vtkprotobuf'
Submodule 'Utilities/VisItBridge' (git://paraview.org/VisItBridge.git) registered for path 'Utilities/VisItBridge'
Submodule 'VTK' (git://vtk.org/VTK.git) registered for path 'VTK'
fatal: unable to connect to paraview.org:
paraview.org[0:]: errno=Connection timed out

Cloning into ThirdParty/IceT/vtkicet...
Clone of 'git://paraview.org/IceT.git' into submodule path 'ThirdParty/IceT/vtkicet' failed
CMake Error at /var/www/html/paradownload/ParaViewWeb/build/ParaView-prefix/tmp/ParaView-gitclone.cmake:57 (message):
  Failed to update submodules in:

Reaping losing child 0xe92920 PID 63957 
make[2]: *** [ParaView-prefix/src/ParaView-stamp/ParaView-download] Error 1

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