[Paraview] Accessing GetAnimationScene() from the ProgrammableSource

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Thu Apr 25 11:32:24 EDT 2013

The stub of code you had posted earlier should still work.

On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 11:16 AM, Bill Sherman <shermanw at indiana.edu> wrote:
> On 04/25/2013 10:57 AM, Utkarsh Ayachit wrote:
>> Don't do this in ProgrammableFIlter, do it in the "Python" animation
>> script.
> Okay, but I don't know how to get geometry generated in a Python animation
> script to be placed into the pipeline.  I've only figured out how
> to do that in the ProgrammableFilter.
>         Bill
>> On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 10:55 AM, Bill Sherman<shermanw at indiana.edu>
>> wrote:
>>> Hey Utkarsh,
>>>> Following may help:
>>>> - Create a mapper for your polydata.
>>>> - Set that mapper to a vtkFollower.
>>>> - Pass camera to vtkFollower (view.GetActiveCamera())
>>>> - Add vtkFolllower to view (view.GetRenderer2D().AddActor(follower)
>>>> You'll have to figure out what Python modules to import to get the
>>>> vtkFollower/vtkPolyDataMapper, if needed. If all goes well, that may
>>>> work.
>>> Right, first thing I'm having difficulty figuring how is how to get
>>> the view from within the Programmable Filter.  I'm sure it's because
>>> it's a serverside object, right, but I found what I thought would
>>> help -- I can get the Proxy for the view and the camera -- but I can't
>>> figure out how to actually get the view object, or remotely access
>>> the view via the Proxy.
>>> E.g.:
>>>          view = servermanager.vtkSMViewProxy()
>>>          print dir(view)
>>>          camera = servermanager.vtkSMCameraProxy()
>>>          print dir(camera)
>>> I can't find any methods from those method listings that tie me to
>>> actually using the camera or the view.
>>> It seems like if I can get over this hump I could be in good shape.
>>>          Thanks,
>>>          Bill
>>>> Utkarsh
>>>> On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 12:16 AM, William Sherman<shermanw at indiana.edu>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On 4/24/13 11:09 PM, Utkarsh Ayachit wrote:
>>>>>> I'm am little confused, what is that you exactly want to see? I can
>>>>>> figure out how to show that.
>>>>> Nothing visually complicated.  In my animation sequence I have data
>>>>> time repeat over and over again as I represent it using different
>>>>> methods.  I currently show that time value using the "AnnotateTime"
>>>>> source, but I feel that that number gets lost in the shuffle, so I
>>>>> want to have something that looks like a progress bar that is tied
>>>>> to data-time and grows as we progress in the simulation.  And when
>>>>> the simulation time resets to 0, the bar goes back to the beginning.
>>>>> Like I said, very simple, yet very difficult.
>>>>> I did more exploration with creating a string that I might use
>>>>> instead of a polygonal object, but then I was foiled when I
>>>>> realized that even though I can put a string into a Table output,
>>>>> the "Manage Links" tool doesn't have an option to link data output
>>>>> to a source/filter parameter.  Only parameter to parameter!
>>>>> So I'm back to the polygonal object.
>>>>>> Utkarsh
>>>>>           Thanks,
>>>>>           Bill
>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 5:54 PM, Bill Sherman<shermanw at indiana.edu>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello again Utkarsh, ParaView list people,
>>>>>>>> You cannot access animation scene from ProgrammableSource. Anything
>>>>>>>> from simple.py/servermanager.py cannot be accessed in
>>>>>>>> ProgrammableSource/Filter. You can add Python scripts as an
>>>>>>>> animation
>>>>>>>> track, however. In the animation view, choose "Python" in the first
>>>>>>>> combo-box next to the "+" button.
>>>>>>> Thanks again for this, this is a great tool to know about -- I was
>>>>>>> doing animations stuff all day yesterday and didn't notice it.
>>>>>>> I have a couple of updates:
>>>>>>> First, with the Animation Python script, I'm not sure how the
>>>>>>> geometry I generate can be placed into the scene.
>>>>>>> Second, I managed to figure out a way to use a Programmable Filter
>>>>>>> fed by an "AnnotateTime" source to make a geometry that is based on
>>>>>>> time!  So that's the good news -- example Python script below.
>>>>>>> The bad news is that I didn't quite think this through.  What I want
>>>>>>> is basically a time/progress bar at the top, and I can do that now,
>>>>>>> but what I forgot is that the camera moves in the animation, and I
>>>>>>> don't want my progress bar to move!  I should have thought of that
>>>>>>> from the outset!
>>>>>>> I've been doing some research and experimenting with vanilla VTK, and
>>>>>>> it doesn't seem to be the case that I can have a 2D geometric object
>>>>>>> that is immune to the camera's movements.  (And if anyone knows
>>>>>>> anything
>>>>>>> different than that, I'd love to hear about it.)
>>>>>>> So, I decided to just try something simple for now, but of course
>>>>>>> nothing
>>>>>>> is simple.  I was thinking that I'd just create a text representation
>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> time -- ie a bunch of ohs in a string ("oooooo..."), but now I don't
>>>>>>> know if I can produce a Text object other than from a source -- ie.
>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>> I programatically create a text object that will be immune to camera
>>>>>>> moves (ie. using a vtkActor2D underneath the hood).
>>>>>>> Thoughts? ...  Hang on, I just discovered that links can do more than
>>>>>>> link cameras!  So any thoughts on how I might take advantage of a
>>>>>>> link
>>>>>>> to create a text string in a programmable filter and pipe that into a
>>>>>>> Text object?
>>>>>>> As always when working with ParaView, even after I feel like I've
>>>>>>> learned
>>>>>>> a lot, the amount of knowledge of what I don't know about it seems
>>>>>>> to have expanded even more!
>>>>>>> For example: the programmable filter has three places for scripts:
>>>>>>>            - Script
>>>>>>>            - RequestInformation Script
>>>>>>>            - RequestUpdateExtent Script
>>>>>>> Each have popups, but the message is self referential -- I have to
>>>>>>> know what the RequestInformation pass or the RequestUpdateExtent
>>>>>>> pipeline
>>>>>>> pass means to know how these work.
>>>>>>> Okay, as promised, thanks to some code from Utkarsh, and a lot of
>>>>>>> trial an error, I present a programmable filter script that modifies
>>>>>>> the shape of this triangle based on animation time:
>>>>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> time = self.GetInput().GetValue(0,0).ToFloat();
>>>>>>> #print time;
>>>>>>> # Create a poly-data instance
>>>>>>> #pd = vtk.vtkPolyData()
>>>>>>> # Instead link to the poly-data created for the output
>>>>>>> pd = self.GetPolyDataOutput();
>>>>>>> # Set up the containter to save the
>>>>>>> # point locations (geometry)
>>>>>>> points = vtk.vtkPoints()
>>>>>>> pd.SetPoints(points)
>>>>>>> # Add the point coordinates
>>>>>>> points.SetNumberOfPoints(3)
>>>>>>> points.SetPoint(0, 0, 0, 0)
>>>>>>> points.SetPoint(1, 2, time, 0)
>>>>>>> points.SetPoint(2, 3, 0, 0)
>>>>>>> # We are adding a single triangle with
>>>>>>> # 3 points. Create a id-list to refer to
>>>>>>> # the point ids that form the triangle.
>>>>>>> ids = vtk.vtkIdList()
>>>>>>> ids.SetNumberOfIds(3)
>>>>>>> ids.SetId(0, 0)
>>>>>>> ids.SetId(1, 1)
>>>>>>> ids.SetId(2, 2)
>>>>>>> # Since this polydata has only 1 cell,
>>>>>>> # allocate it.
>>>>>>> pd.Allocate(1, 1)
>>>>>>> # Insert the cell giving its type and
>>>>>>> # the point ids that form the cell.
>>>>>>> pd.InsertNextCell(vtk.VTK_POLYGON, ids)
>>>>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> So, in order to get time, the Programmable Filter must have as its
>>>>>>> input an "AnnotateTime" module that just outputs a numeric value for
>>>>>>> time.  And then the output type for the filter must be set to
>>>>>>> "vtkPolyData".
>>>>>>>> Utkarsh
>>>>>>>            more to learn, more to learn ... thanks!
>>>>>>>            Bill
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 10:02 AM, Bill Sherman<shermanw at indiana.edu>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>> I have a question about how to access internal ParaView data from
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> Programmable Source source.
>>>>>>>>> Specifically, I want to have a source that changes based on the
>>>>>>>>> animation
>>>>>>>>> time, and so I would like to know how to get the current data-time
>>>>>>>>> from within the python code of a Programmable Source.
>>>>>>>>> So, using the Python_Scripting wiki entry on paraview.org, I have
>>>>>>>>> found that from the Python Shell I can get information about the
>>>>>>>>> current time of the animation using the GetAnimationScene() method,
>>>>>>>>> so I'm hoping that there is a quick trick to accessing this data
>>>>>>>>> from the ProgrammableSource python code.
>>>>>>>>> Eg.
>>>>>>>>>             >>>     scene=GetAnimationScene()
>>>>>>>>>             >>>     print scene.AnimationTime
>>>>>>>>>             30.0466
>>>>>>>>> I think from there I can do some interesting stuff.
>>>>>>>>>             Thanks in advance,
>>>>>>>>>             Bill
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Bill Sherman
>>>>>>>>> Sr. Technology Advisor
>>>>>>>>> Advanced Visualization Lab
>>>>>>>>> Pervasive Technology Inst
>>>>>>>>> Indiana University
>>>>>>>>> shermanw at indiana.edu

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