[Paraview] "WriteAllImages" fails when doing phasta in-situ viz linked with ParaView v3.98.1 coprocessing lib

Hong Yi hongyi at renci.org
Mon Apr 22 14:52:32 EDT 2013


I am working to build an in-situ viz for a phasta simulation. I am able to build phasta linked to ParaView v3.98.1 coprocessing library and run phasta simulation linked to coprocessing library to process a python pipeline in-situ for each time step iteration.  In the pipeline, there are two rendered views with each view containing a slice and an isocontour showing a bubble in the slice, which are set to be exported to png images when exporting the pipeline. This phasta simulation with in-situ viz can run through if I comment out "WriteAllImages" in the pipeline python code and the output data (parallel unstructured grid writer output) can be written out as expected during the simulation iteration. However, when I uncomment out "WriteAllImages" statement, I got a "Generic Warning: In /../ParaView-3.98.1-source/VTK/Parallel/MPI/vtkMPICommunicator.cxx, line 72
MPI had an error" and phasta simulation code then exits and no images are written out. So I know "WriteAllImages" causes this run time problem. I suspect I may not link all shared libs that are needed for off-screen rendering and then export to png images. Here are the libraries I have linked to currently in the Makefile:

-lPhastaAdaptor -lvtkFortranAdaptor-pv3.98 -lvtkCoProcessor-pv3.98 -lvtkCoProcessorPython -lvtkCoProcessorPython27D-pv3.98 -lvtkPVPythonSupport-pv3.98 -lvtkPVServerManagerRenderingPython -lvtkPVServerManagerCorePython -lvtkPVServerManagerDefaultPython -lvtkPVServerManagerApplicationPython -lvtkFiltersCore-pv3.98 -lvtkFiltersCorePython27D-pv3.98 -lvtkFiltersGeneral-pv3.98 -lvtkFiltersGeneralPython27D-pv3.98 -lvtkFiltersImaging-pv3.98 -lvtkFiltersImagingPython27D-pv3.98 -lOSMesa.so

I am hoping someone could spot some libraries that I have missed here to get "WriteAllImages" work for in-situ viz, or perhaps there are something else I did not do correctly.

Many thanks for any suggestions or advice you can offer regarding this problem.


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