[Paraview] [EXTERNAL] Integrate Variables Filter

Scott, W Alan wascott at sandia.gov
Fri Apr 5 12:55:02 EDT 2013

I am NOT the expert here, but I believe that the Integrate Variables filter takes into account the volume of cells, area of triangles and lengths of lines...


From: paraview-bounces at paraview.org [mailto:paraview-bounces at paraview.org] On Behalf Of Hedieh Ebrahimi
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 6:54 AM
To: paraview at paraview.org
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [Paraview] Integrate Variables Filter

Hi all,
I have a question. I chose a sub-selection of my database by "Extract Cells by Region" filter and I am using the integrate filter on it to integrate the values of one of the arrays which is an attribute of each cell.
My problem is the integration of this value in my selection is giving a much bigger number than I expect. If i just add the value of  each cells to know the sum of values , i will get a much smaller number which is actually the correct number i am expecting.
Does anybody know what the "integrate Variables" filter actually does and why I am getting different numbers?
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