[Paraview] Breakthrough Curve over a slice

Hedieh Ebrahimi hedieh.ebrahimi at amphos21.com
Wed Apr 3 09:00:01 EDT 2013

Hi all,

I have a dataset with one block containing cells. My pipeline looks like
this with the following filters

1.My Dataset
2. Extract Cells by Region
3. Extract Surface

(so by now I come up with my cross-section which is one cell width)

4. Integrate Variables
( Now I integrated the concentration value of each cell for a specific

So by the end of filter number 4,  I just have a value which is the
integral of the concentration of that material in all the cells in the
cross-section. I want to plot this over time, but when i use the " Plot
Selection Over Time" It doesn´t show anything.

Question :I know that I don´t have a selection as I just have a value at
the end of number 4, but does anybody have any idea how I could show this
plot over time.

What I am trying to achieve is a "breakthrough curve" .

Please find below the definition of Breakthrough Curve:

*A plot of relative concentration of a given substance versus time where
relative concentration is defined as the ratio of the actual concentration
to the source concentration. *

Question: Also Could you please give me some idea on how to make a
cross-section with one- cell width?

I´m pretty newbie to this. I´d appreciate any help.

Thanks in Advance
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