[Paraview] ParaView 3.98.1: Problems with Space Navigator

David Lonie david.lonie at kitware.com
Tue Apr 2 12:43:29 EDT 2013

On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 12:39 PM, Nenad Vujicic <nenadus at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Dave, Aashish,
> Thank you very much for your responses.
> I'm sorry, I tried dummy buttons with both v3.98.1 and current master
> ParaView sources, but they didn't help me. Also, I'm still able to select
> visibility with grab world style from ParaView's UI (in master sources).
> Btw, my 3d mouse has 2 buttons
> (http://www.3dconnexion.com/products/spacenavigator.html). Here is one of
> snippets from state file I tried:
> <VRConnectionManager>
>    <VRPNConnection name="vrconnection" address="device0 at localhost">
>       <Button id="0" name="MyRightButton"/>
>       <Button id="1" name="MyLeftButton"/>
>       <Button id="2" name="MyDummyButton"/>
>       <Analog id="0" name="MyAnalog"/>
>       <Tracker id="0" name="MyTracker"/>
>     </VRPNConnection>
>   </VRConnectionManager>
>   <VRInteractorStyles>
>     <Style class="vtkVRGrabWorldStyle" proxyName="RenderView1" proxy="269"
> property="ModelTransformMatrix">
>       <Button role="Reset world" name="vrconnection.MyLeftButton"/>
>       <Button role="Rotate world" name="vrconnection.MyRightButton"/>
>       <Button role="Translate world" name="vrconnection.MyDummyButton"/>
>       <Tracker role="Tracker" name="vrconnection.MyTracker"/>
>    </Style>
> </VRInteractorStyles>
> Do you have some other idea?

What happens when you press the right button and move the tracker?
Does the scene move at all, or are you still just seeing the error
messages in the log?


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