[Paraview] WebGL Exporter in Paraview, where to find it?

Nicolas Rousselon nico.rousselon at gmail.com
Sat Sep 29 12:23:15 EDT 2012


In http://paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView/Users_Guide/Included_Plugins, it says:
"The WebGL exporter plugin brings the ParaViewWeb WebGL code to ParaView to
allow a 3D scene to be exported into a standalone HTML page."

It's also mentionned there:

http://paraview.org/Wiki/Exporting_Scenes: "*.html -- Using WebGL to render
a surfacique 3D scene into a web page. Static Standalone WebGL example from

I'm currently using 3.12.0 and cannot see this export option. How can I get
it? Installing ParaviewWeb and/or moving to 3.14?

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