[Paraview] Vector export in ParaView

Pieter Barendrecht p.j.barendrecht at student.tue.nl
Fri Sep 21 10:49:59 EDT 2012


I'm wondering what the possibilities are for exporting a model/design/geometry in vector format (preferably in SVG)? I read something about a patch written by Sven Buijssen, and supposedly there used to be a branch which included this patch (https://github.com/demarle/ParaView/branches/vector-graphics-export), but it appears not to be in use anymore.

Basically, I'd like to use it for two purposes:

1.) Saving 3D models in vector format. I know SVG is 2D, so saving a 3D model as SVG would mean saving only a certain viewpoint. But this is fine, since I'll only use the vector images for reports and presentations.

2.) Saving plots in vector format. Right now I use MATLAB to plot my data, and save it as SVG using a nice script from the MATLAB File Exchange. But I would be interested in using ParaView for this purpose as well, as long as I would be able to save the plots in vector format.

Best regards,

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