[Paraview] Variable symbols in PARAVIEW

Zhou, Wenzhong wzhou at lanl.gov
Fri Sep 14 18:49:27 EDT 2012


I use PARAVIEW for my simulation post-processing. When I do a simulation recently, I have encountered a problem. In "Variables" list of  "Object Inspector", there are three kinds of symbols for variables after check boxes – the first one is like a block, the second one is four dots, and the third one is like a square inside a circle. I wonder what they represent respectively. When I check the boxes with four dots, the variables can appear in the "Mapped variable". However, When I check the boxes with a square inside a circle, the variables can not appear in the "Mapped variable" to select. I wonder what I can do to solve this problem. I'd like to plot them over line and time. In the past when I used PARAVIEW I have only seen the first two symbols, and have never encountered this kind of problem.


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