[Paraview] crashing on megapoint data

Kashiwa, Bucky bak at lanl.gov
Wed Oct 31 16:47:45 EDT 2012

I'm running the vanilla website release of version 3.14.1 on the OS

RedHat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.5 (Tikanga) Kernel 2.6.18-108chaos on an x86_64

This code will display my ~120,000,000 points using cosmo format input, but only with a constant color (gray).  If I try to add color, paraview sucks up all of the available memory (~22GB) and crashes.  This happens with either PointSprites or with EyeDomeLighting View.  (Not sure if it happens with plain points or not...)

If you have any suggestions on how to mitigate the crash, I will gladly give them a try.

Thanks very much.  Bucky Kashiwa

<>Bucky Kashiwa PhD, PE  <> Post: MS B216, Los Alamos, NM  87545       <>

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