[Paraview] Paraview Visualization Ambiguity an a 2nd order Tetrahedra

Umut Tabak umut.tabak at gmail.com
Mon Oct 22 09:56:15 EDT 2012

On 10/22/2012 03:46 PM, Berk Geveci wrote:
> ParaView will tetrahedralize higher order elements for certain
> algorithms. For the most part, this should be hidden. What particular
> algorithm are you seeing this with?

This is a mesh that I export from the commercial finite element code 
ANSYS. I am not sure how to answer this question.

But I also could not understand the point of your question since the 
cell representation should be easy to understand by the software. It 
should only draw elements around the main nodes that represent the 
element, so for this case, the 10-nodes that belong to the element 
should form the element. Why do you relate this to a meshing algorithm? 
I am not expert on mesh generation of course ;-)

There are two 10 node tetrahedral elements interfaced in my code for 
ANSYS elements. Namely,

SOLID92 and SOLID187

which are both 2nd order 10 node tetra elements.

If I follow this thread


which seems to solve the problem. And I can see the normal 2nd order 
elements without divided into extra cells.


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