[Paraview] Show custom cube axes annotations

Felipe Bordeu felipe.bordeu at ec-nantes.fr
Mon Nov 19 11:33:59 EST 2012


Thanks very much for all the help, I finally succeeded to create the 
filter. I can transform my data (for example, expand one dimension ) and 
keep the originals labels.

Thanks again,

Here is a screen-shot:

Le 18/11/2012 15:48, Sebastien Jourdain a écrit :
> Hi Felipe,
> Lets state what we know.
> U,V and W are 3 unit vectors that describe which axis should be used 
> by the cube axis.
> OrientedBounds are 6 values describing the bounds of the data using 
> the U,V and W vectors. [minU, maxU, minV, maxV, minW, maxW]
> Then to solve your problem you will have to do the following:
> 1) Compute Pmin and Pmax as follow
> Pmin = U.OrientedBounds[0] + V.OrientedBouds[2] + W.OrientedBouds[4]
> Pmax = U.OrientedBounds[1] + V.OrientedBouds[3] + W.OrientedBouds[5]
> 2) Apply your transform (Rotation, Scale, Translation) to those 2 points
> You get P'min and P'max
> 3) Apply the rotation ONLY to U,V and W (as translation/scale have no 
> effect on a unit vector)
> You get U', V' and W'
> 4) You resolve the equations
> P'min = U'.a + V'.b + W'.c
> P'max = U'.d + V'.e + W'.f
> And then you get OrientedBounds' = [a,d,b,e,c,f]
> And you're done... Do you need anything more ?
> Seb
> On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 6:27 PM, Felipe Bordeu Weldt 
> <felipe.bordeu at ec-nantes.fr <mailto:felipe.bordeu at ec-nantes.fr>> wrote:
>     Ok,
>     My idea is simple (http://www.paraview.org/Bug/view.php?id=13583).
>     We visualizes data with non convectional axes, so we put that
>     information (name and units) in the labels. Also we want to be
>     able to use the transformation filter to modified the meshes, and
>     we want the axis and labels to follow the transformation. So I'm
>     writing a filter (vtkTransformWithAxis) that apply the transform
>     to the mesh and to all the data that is used for the cube axis.
>     But I'm not able create correctly the OrientedBoundingBox and the
>     three vectors to generate the Non Orthogonal Bounding Box.
>     So if the input does not have all the data for the axis, it will
>     generate the data (vector, OriendedBoundigBox... and so on ) , and
>     then apply the transformation filter.
>     Is that clearer?
>     Thanks for you time so far.
>     Felipe
>     Le 16 nov. 12 à 19:33, Sebastien Jourdain a écrit :
>>     Hi Felipe,
>>     could you rephrase your question, as I'm not sure to follow you
>>     anymore. Specially what are the piece of informations that are
>>     still missing to you.
>>     Thanks,
>>     Seb
>>     On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 1:13 PM, Felipe Bordeu
>>     <felipebordeu at gmail.com <mailto:felipebordeu at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>         I have no problem with the use custom range.
>>         My problem is than I use a home made transform filter to
>>         transform my data, our data is sometimes degenerated (one
>>         axis is very very small), so we use the transform filter to
>>         increase the size of that dimensions. But the problems is
>>         that the cube axes does not have the good units any more ( so
>>         we want to keep the labels of the input by applying the same
>>         transform)
>>         Until now I can apply only translation and scale, not rotation.
>>         note: in the images the little arrow is the original one.
>>         <bhfgfhca.png>
>>         <ddgjfefc.png>
>>         Felipe
>>         Le 16/11/2012 17:47, Sebastien Jourdain a écrit :
>>>         Oops,
>>>         the "Use Custom Range" will use the text field property but
>>>         this will add extra information so when you use the
>>>         QuadView, the QuadView will be able to know what the slices
>>>         origin is regarding those arbitrary bounds.
>>>         Hope that makes a little bit more sense,
>>>         Seb
>>>         On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 11:42 AM, Sebastien Jourdain
>>>         <sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com
>>>         <mailto:sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com>> wrote:
>>>             Hi Felipe,
>>>             if you check "Use Custom Range" the cube axis will use
>>>             the oriented bounds correctly for the labels instead of
>>>             using the world space coordinate bounds.
>>>             This happen by adding new field data providing the
>>>             min/max for each axis that should be used for the labels.
>>>             Regarding you question the end points of the cube axes
>>>             will be
>>>             Pmin = U*OrientedBounds[0] + V*OrientedBouds[2] +
>>>             W*OrientedBouds[4]
>>>             ...
>>>             Pmax = U*OrientedBounds[1] + V*OrientedBouds[3] +
>>>             W*OrientedBouds[5]
>>>             Hope that help,
>>>             Seb
>>>             On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 10:02 AM, Felipe Bordeu
>>>             <felipe.bordeu at ec-nantes.fr
>>>             <mailto:felipe.bordeu at ec-nantes.fr>> wrote:
>>>                 Hi,
>>>                 I am trying  to understand how the new annotation
>>>                 for the cube axis works.
>>>                 I don't understand how to define the
>>>                 OrientedBoundingBox FieldData variable. (I
>>>                 understand the c++ part, that’s easy ;) )
>>>                 (I'm working with a c++ reader plugin).
>>>                 What is the relation between the Oriented Bound and
>>>                 the scale and the position of the axis.
>>>                 <mime-attachment.png>
>>>                      Thanks
>>>                      Felipe
>>>                      ps: Paraview 3.98.0-RC2 git version, kubuntu 12.04 64.
>>>                 -- 
>>>                 Felipe Bordeu Weldt
>>>                 Ingénieur de Recherche
>>>                 -------------------------------------
>>>                 Tél. :33 (0)2 40 37 16  <tel:33%20%280%292%2040%2037%2016>  57
>>>                 Fax. :33 (0)2 40 74 74  <tel:33%20%280%292%2040%2074%2074>  06
>>>                 Felipe.Bordeu at ec-nantes.fr  <mailto:Felipe.Bordeu at ec-nantes.fr>
>>>                 Institut GeM - UMR CNRS 6183
>>>                 École Centrale Nantes
>>>                 1 Rue de La Noë, 44321 Nantes, FRANCE
>>>                 -------------------------------------
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>>         -- 
>>         Felipe Bordeu Weldt
>>         Felipe Bordeu Weldt
>>         Ingénieur de Recherche
>>         -------------------------------------
>>         Tél. :33 (0)2 40 37 16  <tel:33%20%280%292%2040%2037%2016>  57
>>         Fax. :33 (0)2 40 74 74  <tel:33%20%280%292%2040%2074%2074>  06
>>         Felipe.Bordeu at ec-nantes.fr
>>         <mailto:Felipe.Bordeu at ec-nantes.fr> Institut GeM - UMR CNRS
>>         6183 École Centrale Nantes 1 Rue de La Noë, 44321 Nantes,
>>         FRANCE -------------------------------------
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Felipe Bordeu Weldt
Ingénieur de Recherche
Tél. : 33 (0)2 40 37 16 57
Fax. : 33 (0)2 40 74 74 06
Felipe.Bordeu at ec-nantes.fr
Institut GeM - UMR CNRS 6183
École Centrale Nantes
1 Rue de La Noë, 44321 Nantes, FRANCE

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