[Paraview] Show custom cube axes annotations

Felipe Bordeu Weldt felipe.bordeu at ec-nantes.fr
Fri Nov 16 18:27:46 EST 2012


My idea is simple (http://www.paraview.org/Bug/view.php?id=13583).
We visualizes data with non convectional axes, so we put that  
information (name and units) in the labels. Also we want to be able to  
use the transformation filter to modified the meshes, and we want the  
axis and labels to follow the transformation. So I'm writing a filter  
(vtkTransformWithAxis) that apply the transform to the mesh and to all  
the data that is used for the cube axis.

But I'm not able create correctly the OrientedBoundingBox and the  
three vectors to generate the Non Orthogonal Bounding Box.

So if the input does not have all the data for the axis, it will  
generate the data (vector, OriendedBoundigBox... and so on ) , and  
then apply the transformation filter.

Is that clearer?

Thanks for you time so far.

Le 16 nov. 12 à 19:33, Sebastien Jourdain a écrit :

> Hi Felipe,
> could you rephrase your question, as I'm not sure to follow you  
> anymore. Specially what are the piece of informations that are still  
> missing to you.
> Thanks,
> Seb
> On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 1:13 PM, Felipe Bordeu  
> <felipebordeu at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have no problem with the use custom range.
> My problem is than I use a home made transform filter to transform  
> my data, our data is sometimes degenerated (one axis is very very  
> small), so we use the transform filter to increase the size of that  
> dimensions. But the problems is that the cube axes does not have the  
> good units any more ( so we want to keep the labels of the input by  
> applying the same transform)
> Until now I can apply only translation and scale, not rotation.
> note: in the images the little arrow is the original one.
> <bhfgfhca.png>
> <ddgjfefc.png>
> Felipe
> Le 16/11/2012 17:47, Sebastien Jourdain a écrit :
>> Oops,
>> the "Use Custom Range" will use the text field property but this  
>> will add extra information so when you use the QuadView, the  
>> QuadView will be able to know what the slices origin is regarding  
>> those arbitrary bounds.
>> Hope that makes a little bit more sense,
>> Seb
>> On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 11:42 AM, Sebastien Jourdain <sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com 
>> > wrote:
>> Hi Felipe,
>> if you check "Use Custom Range" the cube axis will use the oriented  
>> bounds correctly for the labels instead of using the world space  
>> coordinate bounds.
>> This happen by adding new field data providing the min/max for each  
>> axis that should be used for the labels.
>> Regarding you question the end points of the cube axes will be
>> Pmin = U*OrientedBounds[0] + V*OrientedBouds[2] + W*OrientedBouds[4]
>> ...
>> Pmax = U*OrientedBounds[1] + V*OrientedBouds[3] + W*OrientedBouds[5]
>> Hope that help,
>> Seb
>> On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 10:02 AM, Felipe Bordeu <felipe.bordeu at ec-nantes.fr 
>> > wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying  to understand how the new annotation for the cube axis  
>> works.
>> I don't understand how to define the OrientedBoundingBox FieldData  
>> variable. (I understand the c++ part, that’s easy ;) )
>> (I'm working with a c++ reader plugin).
>> What is the relation between the Oriented Bound and the scale and  
>> the position of the axis.
>> <mime-attachment.png>
>>     Thanks
>>     Felipe
>>     ps: Paraview 3.98.0-RC2 git version, kubuntu 12.04 64.
>> -- 
>> Felipe Bordeu Weldt
>> Ingénieur de Recherche
>> -------------------------------------
>> Tél. : 33 (0)2 40 37 16 57
>> Fax. : 33 (0)2 40 74 74 06
>> Felipe.Bordeu at ec-nantes.fr
>> Institut GeM - UMR CNRS 6183
>> École Centrale Nantes
>> 1 Rue de La Noë, 44321 Nantes, FRANCE
>> -------------------------------------
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> -- 
> Felipe Bordeu Weldt
> Felipe Bordeu Weldt
> Ingénieur de Recherche
> -------------------------------------
> Tél. : 33 (0)2 40 37 16 57
> Fax. : 33 (0)2 40 74 74 06
> Felipe.Bordeu at ec-nantes.fr
> Institut GeM - UMR CNRS 6183
> École Centrale Nantes
> 1 Rue de La Noë, 44321 Nantes, FRANCE
> -------------------------------------

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