[Paraview] system hdf5 and 3.98rc1

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Thu Nov 15 15:40:25 EST 2012

What cmake version are you using and what is your HDF5_DIR variable set to,
if at all?


On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 9:45 PM, <fbissey at slingshot.co.nz> wrote:

> Another problem I have now is with system hdf5. I get the following:
> Disabling NETCDF4 support since HDF5_HL is missing.
> Yet I have hdf5_hl installed and it is detected by cmake as well since
> HDF%_hdf5_hl_LIBRARY is defined and pointing to the right thing.
> I believe that the cmake testing logic in
> VTK/ThirdParty/netcdf/vtknetcdf/CMakeLists.txt
> is wrong:
>   # using VTK's HDF5, we always build that with HL support.
>   set (USE_NETCDF4 ON)
> elseif(HDF5_HL_LIBRARY)
>   set (USE_NETCDF4 ON)
> else()
>   message(STATUS "Disabling NETCDF4 support since HDF5_HL is missing.")
> endif ()
> HDF5_HL_LIBRARY is the wrong variable to test, it should be
> HDF5_hdf5_hl_LIBRARY.
> The change works for me. By the way any chance to be able to use the system
> netcdf  as debian does in its build (and that I shamelessly copied in
> Gentoo).
> Francois
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