[Paraview] Specifying line color

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Mon Nov 12 18:43:11 EST 2012

Can you attach a screenshot of the result you're seeing?


On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 6:19 AM, Noam Aigerman <noam.superspam at gmail.com>wrote:

> As part of my visualization, I need to show 3d points that have been
> moved, i.e each point has an original position and a moved position.
> I want to visualize this as a set of lines, where each line connects the
> point's original position drawn in red and the moved position drawn in
> blue. I can do this by saving a vtk with a set of points, the original
> positions AND the moved position, and associate a scalar to each point to
> denote whether it is an original position or a moved position. Then I
> associate lines with each pair of points.
> This almost works for me, the one thing is that I want the line to be
> flat-shaded with one color (preferably even a dashed line). But the line
> always interpolates the red\blue values of its vertices.
> Maybe I'm approaching this the wrong way?
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