[Paraview] Mesh Quality

David Thompson david.thompson at kitware.com
Fri Nov 9 10:24:10 EST 2012

Hi Fastl,

> .... I am using the Filter called 'Mesh Quality' with the 'Scaled Jacobian' option for hexahedral elements. I have some elements which have only six different vertices (instead of eight, which leads to a wedge) and the result is a value like 1e+30. I want to analyze this result, because in general the range for a 'Scaled Jacobian' is between -1 and +1. Can you provide me with the equation how this 'Scaled Jacobian' is evaluated in Paraview? 

ParaView uses the Verdict mesh quality library to evaluate the scaled Jacobian quality function. The code for this is located here:


> ... I would expect to get an error, but instead I think I get extremely high values.

Verdict substitutes a very large number (VERDICT_DBL_MAX) in the place of errors.

	Hope this helps,

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