[Paraview] Data Partitioning in Paraview

Tom T tomt147 at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 5 15:05:32 EST 2012


I have a question about the way Paraview partitions data 
on multiple nodes. It seems to partition the data automatically without 
the user having any control.
I am currently working on a project at 
my university where we are trying to optimize processing time. We want 
to tell Paraview how to split up a large data set unto multiple nodes 
and then run Paraview in parallel (reverse client/server mode) telling 
it that it should use those specific nodes. The goal is to have the 
individual nodes perform their calculation and rendering  with the local
 data fragment that was previously stored there, thus avoiding 
additional delays caused by the nodes having to access the head node 
where the whole data is stored.
Is this possible? Is there a way to mandate which nodes to use and 
how Paraview should split up the data among the nodes? Also can Paraview
 tell the individual nodes to work with the locally stored data fragment
 instead of accessing the whole data set at the head node?

Thank you very much for your help and I look forward to hearing from you.

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